Fic: Shower Time (NC17)

Dec 30, 2008 18:17

Title: Shower Time

Rating: NC17

Summary: James and the Doctor clean up.

Characters: Ten, James (OC) Ten/James

Author's Notes: Not mine, only wish they were. Written for the occhallenge fic challenge thing. Sequel to Livin' On A Prayer and 'Changes'. fourzoas made me write this. I hope it's okay.

Prompt: Rough
Warning: Slash, biting, rough sex, blood

James dragged the Doctor to the nearest shower, which happened to be in the TARDIS, and quickly undressed, throwing his clothes into a heap on the floor.

"Are you feeling all right?" the Doctor asked, watching as the red head stepped into the shower and turned the water on.

"Never better," James answered chirpily. "Why?"

The Doctor fixed James with a look. "James, you died..."

"Yeah? Well, I got better." James stuck his face under the warm spray and sighed. "I thought you were going to wash my back." he said, pulling his face out and turning to look at the Time Lord.

The Doctor stepped forward, wrapped his arms around James' waist and pulled him closer to him, unmindful of the water wetting his clothes and hair. "I thought I lost you."

"Can't get rid of me that easily," James whispered, resting his head on the doctor's shoulder and wrapped his arms around the Doctor. "You said it yourself, even before... I'm too stubborn to die."


"I'm getting you all wet," James pointed out with a snicker.

The Doctor chuckled. "For you, it's worth it. Need someone to wash your back?"

James pulled back with a smile. "I was waiting for you to ask." He handed the Doctor the soap and turned around again.

The Doctor rubbed the soap on James' back, enjoying the feel of the other man's wet skin under his hands and allowed his hands to slide down to James' behind. "You feel good," he muttered in James' ear, as his finger traced the scar on the red head's back.

James shivered as the Doctor hit a sensitive spot on his back. "Mm, that feels good. I feel even more alive now," he purred, whimpering slightly when the Doctor removed his hands. "What..?" He felt the Time Lord's hand rest on his pulse point on his neck. "What's the diagnosis, Doctor?"

"Hmm, pulse a little thready. You need to get your blood pumping."

James smirked as the doctor slid his hands back down his back. "You mean like with jogging? Aerobics? Swimming?"

"Well, you could do those things... but you've forgotten something," the Doctor pointed out.

"What?" James said in an innocent tone of voice.

"You know," the Doctor whispered in James' ear as he slid a hand down the red head's side. "Let me ease those aches of yours."

"Why, Doctor, are you seducing me?" James asked in a low growl, turning to face the dark haired Time Lord. He grinned before pushing the Doctor to the wall of the shower and kissing him roughly. "Let me take control for a little while," he growled, gently biting the Doctor's lower lip.


"Shh," James muttered, placing a finger on the Doctor's lips. He squeaked in surprise when the Doctor reversed their positions so his back was against the wall. "But then again, I also like it when you take charge," he purred, sliding his finger down the Doctor's neck to the top button of his light blue shirt.

"You're not yourself," the Doctor half heartedly protested as James pushed off his jacket and threw it in the corner. He secretly wondered what the red head was going to do next and the thought excited him. He took a deep breath, inhaling the red head's unique and intoxicating scent.

"Oh, I've never been myself more," James retorted. "I've had to control myself for so long and now I just want to let loose." He roughly pulled the Time Lord's tie off his neck and chucked it on top of the jacket. "And don't lie that you're not enjoying this. I can smell the truth," he whispered in the Doctor's ear again, before adding a sharp nip to his ear, eliciting a surprised intake of breath from the dark haired Time Lord. He ran his hand down the Doctor's chest. "Hmm, how much do you like this shirt?" he asked with a smirk.

"Well... it's all right," the Doctor replied, wondering what James meant. His unasked question was answered when James tugged hard on the shirt, popping the buttons and ripping the fabric.

"Oops," James said, holding the tattered remnants of the shirt. He threw it also in the corner. "How much do you like these trousers?" he asked, resting his hand on the waistband of the Doctor's brown pinstriped trousers.

"A lot. You are not ripping these."

"Fine. Get them off before I change my mind," James ordered, smiling devilishly when the Doctor pulled them off and threw them in the corner. "Good Doctor." He prowled around the Doctor like a lion circling its prey. "Mm, you look delectable," he purred, standing behind the Doctor and breathing in his ear.

The Doctor couldn't quite suppress the shiver that ran through his body as the red head licked his ear. "Taste nice?"

"You have no idea," James growled as he slid a hand around the dark haired Time Lord's waist and traced a pattern along his stomach, enjoying the way he shivered under his touch. "I could taste you all day."

"James, stop teasing me," the Doctor muttered, jumping when the red head moved to stand in front of him. "You really should let me take a look at you."

"Go on then, take a look," James retorted. "You and I both know this is my Dark Side coming out to play. I thought you liked my Dark Side," he added with a pout, as he fiddled with the Doctor's hair.

"I-I do but..."

"But what? You don't think I should let it out after all those years that I've behaved myself?" James snarled, scratching his nails down the Doctor's chest and drawing small droplets of blood which were quickly washed away in the water.

The Doctor drew in a hiss of breath. "I've seen it. You're dangerous..."

"No more dangerous than the Master and you wanted to keep him as a pet," James retorted, swiping the Doctor again with his nails. "I don't want to get into that at the moment. I just want to take control for once... Is that too much to ask?" He roughly pushed the Doctor back against the shower wall. "You like it when I do this. I can smell it," he growled, bending his head and sniffing the Doctor's neck. "Hmm," he mumbled, bending his head and licking the Doctor's chest, smirking at the Time Lord's suppressed moan. "So eager and I haven't even fully explored your body yet."

The Doctor wondered what the red head was thinking. "James..," he groaned as he felt the red head dig his nails into his shoulder. "You're such a tease."

"Yep. Best things come to those who wait," James answered, "or is that just a Guinness advert?"

The Doctor pushed back so James was now the one against the wall and kissed him, his lips brushing against the red head's in a gentle caress.

James kissed back before pulling back. "Don't be so gentle with me. I want to feel alive," he growled, digging his nails in again. "I want to feel you... All of you."

"Stop toying with me then."

"Tell me what you want," James purred in the Doctor's ear as his hand enclosed around the Doctor's cock.

"I-I-ooohhhhh," the Doctor moaned as James slowly moved his hand up and down. "D-don't stop."

"As if I would," James growled, roughly shoving the Doctor back against the tiles, his hand still stroking the Doctor. "But before I can do anything..." He bent his head and bit down hard on the Doctor's neck, revelling in the gasp that escaped the Time Lord's throat. "Mm." He pulled back after a few minutes and smirked at the mark on the Doctor's neck. "Now, I'm ready," he purred with a predatory look on his face, pulling the Doctor in for another kiss.


"Don't be cheeky or else I'll stop and then go and find someone else. Turn around and face the wall and spread your legs," James barked, roughly tugging the Doctor's hands to rest against the tiles.

"They won't survive your mood," the Doctor pointed out, moaning as the red head's hands gently roamed over his back. He let out a whimper when the red head hands lifted off his wet skin. The sound of something squirting into James' hand reached his ears. "What's that?"

"Baby oil. Keeps my skin smooth and kissable," James answered, sliding a slick finger down the Doctor's behind and teased his entrance.

"Where'd you get that?" The Doctor asked, wincing when the red head accidentally scratched the inside of his thigh with his thumbnail. "Ow!"

James smirked as he stretched the Doctor's entrance. "Shh, don't you worry about that. Just relax..." He slid down to his knees, leaned forward and licked the scratch. "Better?"


"Good," James whispered as he stood up again. "I think you're all slicked up. Turn and face me." He grinned as the Doctor obeyed him. "You've been patient, haven't you?"

The Doctor reached forward and slowly stroked James' cock, grinning at the loud moan that escaped the other man's throat.

James moved forward so his arousal was pressed in the Doctor's stomach. "Time for the big event," he promised as he placed his hands on the dark haired Time Lord's hips. "Ready?"

The Doctor nodded, letting out a muffled groan as the red head picked him up and in one thrust filled him. He automatically wrapped his legs around the red head's waist.

James growled at the feel of the Doctor around him. "Touch yourself," he snarled, giving the Time Lord a dark look as he slowly thrust himself in and out of the Doctor.

The Doctor reached down with one of his hands and stroked himself in time with James' thrusts. He let out a loud moan as James hit a sensitive spot. He could feel the red head's nails digging into his skin, leaving marks in the pale skin.He could feel the other man's breath drifting over his ear.

James sped up his thrusting, almost smashing the Doctor into the tiles with every forward motion and clasped the Doctor's skin harder, drawing blood.

"James..," the Doctor pleaded, managing to convey the instructions of 'faster' and 'harder' into his name. He groaned as his back hit the cold tiles and wondered if James was trying to crack them with the amount of force he was using. 'Going to be bruised tomorrow,' he thought before a hard thrust threw all conscious thoughts out of his head and all he could concentrate on was the sensations running through his body.

James, sensing the Doctor was close to a climax, sped up, wondering if he could bring the Doctor to a climax before his own.

"Harder, you animal," the Doctor growled, tightening his legs around James' waist. He moaned as James abruptly bit down on his shoulder, drawing blood as he let his climax wash over him, coming over James' stomach and chest.

James growled against the Doctor's skin as he spilled himself inside the dark haired Time Lord and his legs buckled underneath him. He slid the Doctor down the cold tiles and let the water beat down on both their heads, flattening their hair against their scalps as they collapsed in a heap of tangled limbs. The red head lifted his head and licked his lips. "Mm, can we go again?" he purred with a smirk.

"Give a guy a chance to breathe," the Doctor chuckled, "before you decide on seconds." He pressed his hand on the red head's neck, checking his pulse. "All normal."

"Yeah, until it wears off."

"Got the blood pumping though,"the Doctor said, reaching his hand up to his shoulder and neck. "Well, I prescribe a daily dose of exercise until no longer needed. Biting not included. Ow!"

"I didn't bite you that hard."

"Hard enough to draw blood... both times," the Doctor pointed out. "I'm going to be bruised tomorrow and I think you cracked the tiles."

fanfiction, character: tenth doctor, series: changes, character: james (oc), challenge: occhallenge, series: the james tales

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