Fic: There is no 'I'... Masterlist

Oct 23, 2010 17:35

There is no 'I' ...
Fandom: Marvel Comics ~ Avengers movieverse.
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 20,000
Beta: Big thanks to red_savage for a brilliant and sensible beta. The mess zie had to deal with that first time, oh lord. (shakes head). Also thanks to our fabulous moderator muccamukk  who gave me a well deserved WTF? after the first draft and then excellent help therafter. This fic is way better because of their imput and advice. Fruit baskets and sparkly unicorns to you both!
Art Link: Written for the "cap_ironman  Reverse Bang. I won the chance to write fic for the gorgeous artwork by viva_la_yaoi  Go. Go look at the pretty!
Summary: The reasons not to join the Avengers were many and varied. The problem was that when Captain America smiled at him, Tony had trouble remembering what they were.

Chapter1   Chapter2   Chapter3   Chapter4   Chapter5   Chapter6  
Chapter7   Chapter8   Chapter9   Chapter10   Chapter11   Epilogue

reverse bang, marvel, steve/tony, cap_ironman, fic

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