Title: The Dragon was a Babble-mouth
Author: J.D. aka
jade_dragoness Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin & Arthur/Damn Near Everyone in Albion
Summary: Merlin wonders if anyone else has talked to the dragon and sparks off something unexpected.
Spoilers: references up to episode 1x11
Word Count: 6,700
Disclaimer: Never ever will be mine. *sadness*
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Comments 107
I'm glad to hear that the characters sounded true. Thank you for the lovely comment! *beams*
whuh? what!
It can't end there! It's too fantastic and tantalisting and and what?!
Sequel. Please?
Is made of awesome!
I have been told the ending is evil...oops?
Sequel? Err, well the fic is a one-shot. I'll to see if I get bit by the plot-bunnies.
The story was very good as well, but I can't stop laughing.
The icon is so not my fault. Okay, yes I made it, but only because people kept mentioning they thought of Vampire!Arthur in The Gates of Avalon reviews. Otherwise, nope. *radiates innocence*
psst, it's totally gakable!
That has been the best description of this kind of pain I've seen yet.
And kudos for Morgana posing that kisses for profit idea! <333
Thank you for the compliment!
"Arthur snorted at him, and threw his apple core at Merlin‘s head. “I‘m not scared of Morgana.”
Arthur spent the next three days avoiding Morgana."
And I like the ending, too, evil person though you are!
I admit that I giggled entirely too much when I made that segway. Suuuuurrree, Arthur, we believe you.
*beams and enjoys being evil*
p.s. Love the Gwen/Morgana, too. ;-)
*grins* And here I thought I was being subtle with Morgana's protective jealousy. *whistles innocently*
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