hunger games fic: will you tell me again how we're gonna be just friends

Apr 16, 2013 18:01

will you tell me again how we're gonna be just friends. hunger games. r. gale/katniss. gale/johanna. gale says goodbye to katniss, and then hello again. he’s not good about following rules, especially when it comes to her.

Katniss stands in his door and says, )

pairing: gale/johanna, pairing: katniss/gale, fic: the hunger games

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Comments 5

downbythebay_4 April 17 2013, 15:27:04 UTC
This is very lyric and beautiful. I really enjoy the hint of things between Johanna and Finnick and your very poignant characterization of Gale.


andromedawriter April 18 2013, 04:36:02 UTC
I am in love with Katniss Everdeen, his body is always telling him. - Really love it.


electrumqueen April 20 2013, 07:05:23 UTC
this is so fucking good, jesus christ. NEVER LEAVE ME.


rosegilmore April 21 2013, 04:06:57 UTC
I usually cannot read gale/katniss but this was so much more than just them getting together. It was about Gale and his loss and want and growing up that isn't really explored as in depth as katniss' growing is explored. i thought this was absolutely brilliant. you have a wonderful way with words.


stainofmylove April 24 2013, 11:43:26 UTC
Ack, this is so lovely and painful. I especially loved the section about how Gale's feelings for Katniss took time to grow (and how once they did he ended up wishing for things for the first time ... oh man) and the section that starts with "Katniss is not his first heartbreak." Really fantastic work, and just the Gale fic I needed, lol.


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