
Mar 20, 2008 15:29

Just wanted to poll the community on what to do about the strike tomorrow.

EDIT: The Poll is now closed as the overwhelming answer was no really. Tomorrow I will post the squee and review posts but it is up to you lot as the individuals whether you squee after the episode or wait till 12 to do it.

poll, mod post

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Comments 7

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selenityshiroi March 20 2008, 15:55:47 UTC
LJ's new overlords have stopped people from creating Basic Accounts (you can now only create paid and plus accounts).

That's upset some people but a whole load more are upset over the fact that they didn't tell anyone about it, they just sneaked the new proceedures in.

Then, when people noticed and complained, they said it was 'to make registration less confusion' which upset even more people due to the patronisation of such a comment.

Then they tried calming people down by saying it was a business decision made for the good of LJ...which was scoffed at by the Advisory Board they set up to stop people from getting pissed off at them.

Basically a complete and utter farce made by our new Overlords and lots of people going apeshit over it.

There's a content strike tomorrow (no posts, no comments) to show our new Overlords that everyone on LJ notices things and care.


selenityshiroi March 20 2008, 15:57:39 UTC
Oh yeah, and a few other issues like limiting which interests can be seen by non-members and some such. I forget, but most of my knowledge of the strike is based off of people bitching/pisstaking on metaquotes.


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selenityshiroi March 20 2008, 15:51:24 UTC
How about setting up a post off LJ to comment on (an open post on greaterjournal/insanejournal etc. where we don't have to have an account to comment) but leaving the links in a standard 'Reaction/Review Post' tonight? That way, people can squee about the episode without breaking the strike. I think you can then import the post back to LJ (from what I've seen of people talking about backing their LJs up at such places).

I, personally, feel very little about the strike anyway. I have a permanent account, so I think most of the issues have gone straight over my head. I'll probably avoid LJ tomorrow because most of my F-List are, but I know I would give in for something like TW Episode squee.


stageira March 20 2008, 16:13:28 UTC
You can find more details in this post here and various "meta" communities on IJ. http://svartalfur.insanejournal.com/32652.html

I would volunteer to start something on my IJ tomorrow, so that people can have fun there, but I will be so into work, that I doubt I'll be able to post. Of course if anyone wants to set up something and so that we avoid LJ (am not coming to LJ at all!) send me an e-mail stagie at gmail or leave a comment on my IJ.


xtricks March 20 2008, 17:28:57 UTC
There are a few torchwood spesific IJ communities - like most communties they don’t get a lot of traffic yet. However, you can use Open ID to log into and comment etc on the communities even if you don’t have an IJ (I don’t know how to use Open ID alas, but it’s not difficult, I’ve heard). So if you want to not use LJ on Friday or dip toes into IJ, here are a few options.





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