Title: Ianto's First Thanksgiving (7/11)
noneinnyetCharacters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Veronica/Logan, Mac, Wallace, Keith
Rating: R to NC-17
Summary: Ianto and Jack have come to visit Neptune for that grand American tradition of eating, Thanksgiving.
Spoilers: Through "Exit Wounds" for Torchwood and "The Bitch is Back" for Veronica Mars.
Disclaimer: Veronica Mars, Veronica, Logan, Mac, Parker, Dick, Piz, Weevil, Keith, Lynn Echolls, and Clarence Wiedman belong to Rob Thomas and Warner Bros. Torchwood, Captain Jack, Ianto, and Gwen belong to Russel T. Davies and the BBC. Please don't sue me, all you'll get is a pile of DVD's and a somewhat broken laptop.
Author's Note: This is a sequel to my previous VM/TW crossover,
Lovely Rainy Holiday. I'd highly suggest reading that first or you will probably be confused. Also, I know that it's probably Jack's first Thanksgiving, too, as the tradition probably didn't carry over to the Boeshane Peninsula but somehow the title I had been considering, Ianto and Jack's First Thanksgiving Adventure, sounded too much like a really odd gay porno and while this is AU like whoa, it's not quite crack!fic.
Author's Note 2: Sorry this wasn't up last night but I was out late last night and couldn't stay awake long enough to post this. Sadly, I wasn't even drunk.
Part Six When Veronica got up, she found Mac over the same pile of wires that Jack and Ianto had been poking at the night before. Mac was on the phone, twisting various pieces around as she talked.
“Thanks, Martha, I'll let you know if that works out, have a good day,” Mac said before ending the call.
“You didn't go home?” asked Veronica.
“We've almost got it figured out.”
“At least Jack and Ianto went to bed. How much sleep did you get on the couch last night?”
“You saw that, huh? About five hours. That's a pretty good night for me.”
“You're crazy. That was Martha on the phone?”
“Yeah, she was explaining some blueprints to me. We're using a device similar to something they had to use to stop a time shift from 1918 but this is a slightly different situation in a different location so we've got to tinker with it.”
“Any idea what's causing this?”
“No, and I think it's driving Jack and Ianto a little mad. Me, I just try to fix things.”
“How very straight forward of you. How long is it going to be until you know if this thing works.”
“We won't. We basically have to get it put together and replicate it. There are five areas that need to be sealed off. The shopping area that Jack and Ianto saw you and Clarence and Logan saw his mom, Java the Hut, the park I saw Madison and my biomom, the gas station Dick saw you at, and also Kane Software. We're going to need to have five of these babies and then the best time to set them off to close up the tears is eleven thirty tonight. You, Logan, Jack, Ianto, and I will each need to take one, we'll have to make sure the time on our cell phones is correct, and then we all turn the key at the same time.”
“The original device was old. It should work though.”
“How very convenient that there are five rips and five of us that actually know about Torchwood.”
“It does come in handy,” said Jack, emerging from Dick's bedroom. “Mac filled you in?”
“Yeah. Are you going to need much help?”
“I think Mac and I have got it down. Once we get the prototype made the other four shouldn't be too difficult.”
“And done!” said Mac, thrusting her fists into the air.
“Let me see,” said Jack. Mac handed over the device as she stood to stretch.
“This is beautiful,” Jack said, inspecting Mac's work closely. “Very well done.”
Mac tried to fake modesty but eventually looked at Jack with a beaming smile. “Thanks.”
“You sure you can't come back to Wales with us at the end of the week?”
“Sorry, but I'm weeks away from finishing the semester and I've only got one more to go after this. We can negotiate in the spring.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Miss Mackenzie.”
“That's what she said,” smirked Veronica.
“Way to be twelve, Veronica.”'
“If she hadn't said it I would have,” said Jack.
“You can't make an innuendo about your own comment,” said Mac.
“Clearly you haven't spent enough time with him,” Ianto said, stretching as he entered the room.
“Morning, Ianto,” Veronica said.
“Logan still sleeping?” he asked.
“I think so. He was kind of exhausted after yesterday,” Veronica said, picking up the phone. “I was going to order some breakfast. You guys want anything?”
“Coffee,” Mac said.
“I've actually got that covered,” Ianto said, heading to the kitchenette. Mac just shrugged.
“Trust me,” Veronica said, “that's a good thing. I'll just order enough for everyone. We can share a bunch of stuff.”
“Sounds good,” said Mac, resting her head on folded arms.
Logan was out of bed before the food came and was there to open the door to the room service delivery, brought by none other than Veronica's former classmate, Josh Ratner.
He pushed the cart in and surveyed the large number of people in the room before resting his gaze on Veronica. “Mars,” he grumbled.
“Hi Josh,” she said, putting on her most saccharine-sweet demeanor.
“Whatever,” he said, wheeling the cart into place.
“I believe the lady said hello,” Jack said, giving Ratner a menacing stare.
“Hi, Veronica.”
“That's better,” Jack said. Logan walked over and signed for the room service before giving Ratner a look for his own. Ratner fled the room and they all began to pass food around.
“Anyone want oatmeal?” Ianto asked, peering into a bowl.
“I do,” said Mac, holding out her hands.
The all settled down onto the couch and exchanged dishes as they went.
“So, if you don't need me to build crazy time locking devices, I'm going to head home and bake pies after this.”
“Do you need any help?” Ianto asked.
“There's still some shopping to be done. The turkey is taking up our entire freezer but there are still some other things that we'll need yet. I can give you a list and my keys if you're alright with hitting the grocery store.”
“Actually, I could go with him,” Logan said. “I don't think I'll be any good at piecing together alien devices and I think your dad and Wallace would fight over who got to shoot me first if I fucked up the pies.”
“OK, sounds like a plan.” Veronica went over to her messenger bag and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. She passed it to Ianto and he opened it up and looked over it, nodding his approval.
“Oh, and I ran into Weevil last night,” Veronica said. Jack and Ianto chuckled at the name, despite having met the man the previous day. She rolled her eyes at them and continued, “his family only has time for a quick early dinner so I invited him and his niece for dessert.”
Logan cast her a glance but said nothing, knowing that he would be fighting a losing battle. She narrowed her eyes and gave him a challenging smirk. “What's one more?” he finally said.
“That's what I thought,” Veronica said with a grin. She walked over and kissed Logan's cheek. I'm going to get going. I think my dad's going to be home later and I'd like to spend her time with him when I'm not baking up a storm. Good luck with the crazy devices,” she said to Mac and Jack who were already back at work.
Logan and Ianto worked their way through Veronica's considerable list and were loading the heaping cart into Logan's SUV when a head of dark red hair walked by the opposite row of cars.
“Was there one of those time rips in this area?” Logan asked Ianto.
“Just a second,” Logan said. He pushed the empty cart to the corral and got closer to the red head. “Trina?”
The red head stopped. “Logan?” she asked as she turned around. “Shopping with the masses?”
“I could ask you the same. What are you doing here?”
“Oh, nothing. Picking up some asprin.”
“I meant in Neptune.”
“Well, I was shooting this movie in Vancouver and it kind of lost its funding and I was going to move back in with my boyfriend in New York but that didn't really work out so I just came back home.”
“I don't know if you've noticed, but there isn't exactly a home for you to come back to. Where are you staying.”
“The Grand.”
“Can't believe I've managed to avoid the major slut vibes this long.”
Ianto had shut the back of the SUV and walked over to them.
“Got yourself a new friend?” Trina asked. “He's kinda hot,” she said, flashing Ianto a smile.
“Trina, that's disgusting. This is our brother. Ianto Jones meet Trina Echolls. I am so sorry.”
“What?” Trina demanded.
“Remember, we were told about Aaron's mystery spawn in Wales and as soon as you found out that there was no chance of you getting his trust fund you ran off to Australia?”
“Oh, that. So you found him.”
“He's right here,” Logan said.
“It's alright, Logan. It's always good to meet more family,” Ianto said with an outstretched hand. Trina took the fingers of his hand hesitantly and Ianto gave her a brief shake. Logan cast a hard glance at his sister and brother meeting for the first time before sighing.
“Look, Trina. We're having a bunch of people over to my suite tomorrow for dinner. Since you're already at the Grand, why don't you come? Judging by the amount of food we just loaded into my car I think Ianto and Veronica will be cooking plenty.”
“Veronica? You two are back together?”
“Yes, Trina, we are. Are you going to come?”
“I'll have to check my Blackberry, but I might be able to squeeze you in.”
“Yes, I'm sure you're so busy on Thanksgiving. Dinner's at three. Try not to be late.”
“Fine, I'll do my best.”
“It was a pleasure to meet you,” Ianto said as they walked back to Logan's Land Rover.
They climbed into the vehicle and Ianto raised his eyebrows, “That was Trina?”
“That was Trina. You can see why you're lucky to have grown up so normal.”
“Yes, because my life is epitome of normal,” Ianto smiled.
While Ianto and Logan were shopping, Veronica began assembling her ingredients for the pies she was making. The soundtrack to Waitress was playing in the background and there was a knock on the door. Veronica wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing and walked over to open the door.
“Need any help?” Wallace asked.
“You mean, do I need someone trying to eat all of my ingredients while I try to make pie?”
“Consider me your baked goods advisor.”
“Uh huh. Well, come in. It'll give us some time to hang, anyways.”
“What kind of pies are you making?”
“Well, we need to have pumpkin.”
“Apple's a classic.”
“Lemon meringue is my favorite so we're having that no matter what.”
“Only fair.”
“Mac has a very surprising chocolate addiction so I'm making french silk.”
“Eh, not my favorite but I'll let it slide.”
Veronica rolled her eyes at that. “And finally pecan.”
“No sweet potato?”
“Like I could ever rival the sweet potato pie of Alicia Fennel. You'll eat your mother's pie and make her happy.”
“Fine. There better be some pecan left for me, though.”
“There are going to be five pies for nine people, Wallace, I think we can save you a slice of pecan.”
“I ran into Weevil last night. He's coming with his niece for dessert.”
“That could be interesting.”
“It'll be fine. Everyone will be civil if for no reason other than no one in that room will wants to get on the wrong side of my dad. Trust me, ruining a holiday meal for Keith Mars is a very bad idea.”
“You talking about me?” a voice came from the door.
“Dad! I'd hug you but I'm a little coated in flour at the moment.”
Keith dropped his suitcase in the living room and crossed over to the kitchen. “I've suffered a bit more than flour. Give your old man a hug.”
Veronica set aside her rolling pin and gave her dad a big hug.
“So, Mr. Mars, you out catching those fugitives again?”
“Absolutely. How's the basketball season looking.”
“Not bad, not bad. We've got a pretty good team this year. Still settling in, you know how it can be when there's a coaching change.”
“I'm sure your mom's proud though.”
“Like she could be anything else,” Wallace said, reaching into the bowl of apple slices Veronica had ready to go into her pie. She slapped his hand away. “Damn, girl, you're harsh. Not even going to let a boy have a piece of fruit.”
Veronica pulled out a whole apple from the fridge and handed it to him. “There. Now stay away from my pies.”
Part Eight