Chip implanted in brain interfaces quadriplegic man to a computer.While many things are free, it is highly likely that you posses no employable skills, and therefore no way of earning money with which to purchase unfree items. The pace of change in the past century has rendered almost all skills you may have learned obsolete [see: singularity].
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This is like a real-world version of the movie Memento. Except he isn't looking to kill anyone or is tattooing notes all over his body. But, other than that...
Anyway, scientists at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri are working on a brain prosthesis that
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Over the last year I've been using a new party discussion gambit which consists of positing that "Google makes me smarter." The resulting discussion quickly separates the digiterati from the illinternet sheep
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The short review? Basically I called it right a couple of days ago, before I ever saw it:Yet, what reviews are out there today do leave a little room for hope; those who actually know something about Science Fiction are comparing the movie to Gattica, Lathe of Heaven, and Solaris. That, combined with the power of diminished expectations, might mean
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I am planning on going to see the Aeon Flux movie this weekend, even though there is no way in hell it can come anywhere close to the non-linear, posthuman, singularity-teetering, subversive future of Peter Chung's original vision.
Eye-implantable miniature telescope. In clinical trials now.That was her ambition, to be in simstim. Bobby just laughed it off. she talked to me about it, though. "How'd I look with a pair of these?" she'd ask, holding a full-page headshot, Tally Isham's blue Zeiss Ikons lined up with her own amber-brown. She'd had her corneas done twice, but she
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That is, he needs your help if you can describe the 'supermind' experience to him. Which, let's face it, none of us have any experience with. That is, other than using Google.
Sorry Rudy, I really wish I could help you. Really...