When I realized tonight was not only a full moon, but a blue moon, there was really only one thing to do. *ponders what it might have been* Why, write Remus Lupin fic, of course!
However, my muse is not complying (I have seven drafts open right now, and I hate them all! There have been many more open at various times tonight, too.), and I'm a little
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Comments 9
I'm surprised not to see Oz (from BuffyTVS) on your list of loup- garou. I don't know 'Being Human'... I'll have to check it out.
(((JW))) *champagne*
I have never seen a single episode of BtVS.
It's on my "to do" list, but...I totally missed that. I didn't watch TV then, and if I did, I can guarantee an adolescent girl as a main character was a huge turn off (still is, in fact - I can't stand River Tam in comparison to the rest of the FF crew, and Buffy, well...yeah...kinda annoys me just to look at). That said, I'll get there one day. I had a big conversation in my comic shop a few months ago about it - sounds like good, but I'm not there yet.
Dude. That took forever to type. (In fact, I did type "type" about four times. Yeah...wheee!) I probably shouldn't have fixed my typos, as they were funny, but...yeah...no...I can't do that.
When I was 'ready', I got into XFiles. LOVE IT.
Buffy can be fun. Giles is my favourite character, then Angel, then Oz, then Xander. Buffy is the catalyst who brings everyone together..
I really recommend 'Angel', if you like Buffy at all. 10x better than BtVS, IMO.
And then I fell.
It was all over.
I lost my mind.
I watched it every day. It was on reruns on FX then and it was on at six and ten. The ten o'clock ep was a rerun of the early one from the previous day. So, I saw them all twice and then I taped them when they started over and watched them more.
Then I watched as the new ones came out.
I literally unplugged my phone when it was on, etc. Only show I've ever done that with. And it introduced me to fandom as a real entity. I'd been to Trek cons and such, but as they say "The X-Files is the be all and end all of internet fandom." It didn't exist before, you know?
Love. Them.
(The comment has been removed)
"Patience. For the wabbit it is time to wait, as well."
I was able to watch the series two preview, but I'll be going actively offline in regards to Being Human as soon as it starts airing for you lucky people. No spoilers, please!
Indeed! hope you don't have too bad of a hangover ;)
"We both were growing older then, and wiser with the years."
Too true. I'm so glad to be past that "let's drink 'til we puke up our guts and think we're so cool" phase of life. Not that I did that much at all, really, even when I was younger and dumber. I managed one of those perfect buzz nights last PM. Happy but not too ridiculous, and up at ten with no ill effects today, despite the fact that I was up at four AM still.
Of course, my cat woke me for breakfast at seven, but I was able to go back to sleep, so all in all an average morning for me!
Hope you're fine, too.
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