
Oct 03, 2007 11:32

My MP3 player has gone flat and the cable is at home and I'm at work. THis is bad on so many levels. I have hard proofs to do today and I like to shut the office noise off when I'm doing them. So, my darling Flist this is where you come in. Send me pretty things to listen to! Single songs, albums whatever you will. As long as I can download them ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

lifeasanamazon October 3 2007, 12:24:13 UTC
Here we have some K D Lang from 'Happy Feet' - Golden Slumbers:

And here is Katherine Jenkins giving her all in O Holy Night:

Good luck! :D


jackmaybenimble October 3 2007, 12:37:54 UTC
Oh you are wonderous. I must see Happy Feet, and there's nothing like someone decent belting out Christmas things!

Thanks darling


lifeasanamazon October 3 2007, 12:44:29 UTC
You're welcome, love. hope you like them. Also, here's a song that Clare has just had to learn and I really like. Called 'The Birds' Lament':

(Happy Feet is fab!)


jackmaybenimble October 3 2007, 13:47:24 UTC
That's beautiful. I do have an enormous soft spot for RRB. Done some really pretty orchestral pieces and he was popular at music school for one of the singing teachers I used to accompany for. Makes the accompianist work too!!


soaked_in_stars October 3 2007, 17:55:51 UTC
I don't have much here at work, but here's Feist's new album, The Reminder.


jackmaybenimble October 3 2007, 21:49:49 UTC
You are so my music girl. Like Fsh. I'm saving this for work tomorrow, when the proofs from hell continue. Thanks sweets.


altitudeandwine October 3 2007, 21:22:32 UTC
I hope you are home by now.
I'm afraid I read this a tad too late to be of any assistance. I hope you managed to finish the proofs despite the lack of office-noise-blockers. I know what a pest it can be!


jackmaybenimble October 3 2007, 21:51:13 UTC
I am! But I'm always open to new music! And the proofs continue so I still need nice things.


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