
Sep 18, 2007 20:54

Because I promised docfraiser8 I would

Comment here and I will reply to you and tell you what icon of yours I associate with you. Once I reply, please repost this in your own journal, because I want to know what icon you associate with me.

News can keep. I need sport.

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Comments 9

docfraiser8 September 18 2007, 20:58:47 UTC
me me me mememememememe.


jackmaybenimble September 18 2007, 21:19:32 UTC
It's either your default
... )


docfraiser8 September 19 2007, 19:39:19 UTC
I know but the look on her face is wicked. And I had yet to see The Apple Tree when I first started using the icon.


jackmaybenimble September 19 2007, 19:46:57 UTC
There's a pleasing synchronicity to it all, really. And synchronicity pleases me. As indeed do you.


soaked_in_stars September 18 2007, 21:03:27 UTC
Commenty commenty comment! :)


jackmaybenimble September 18 2007, 21:32:44 UTC
Ohhhhh that is hard. (Not least because my coding is effed the fuck up)

Like woah.

Could be any of the OTP for reasons that need no explanation, duh. Could be any VU one, because that's me, you, Fsh and Trix and therefore special swishy red vinyl love.

And if you were to ask me tomorrow you'd probably get a different answer, but right now......

The Space in Between. MM love. OTP love.Pie love. And Clr!face love.


soaked_in_stars September 19 2007, 04:47:16 UTC
MM is such amazing love. ♥


brightillusions September 18 2007, 22:38:58 UTC


jackmaybenimble September 18 2007, 22:54:30 UTC
I think thats the first time I've really properly looked at your icons; how the hell did I not know you were a West Winger??????

Anyway.....There's a few contenders. Like the American Redhead Woman (because we red heads are awesome women!)but really, it has to be an NCIS one because we do so love. And its a close-run thing, between the runner up of Gibbs WTF? and the Gibbs/Abs keyboard flirt (what did she type on that screen to get that smile out of him??) but the winner is your default happy Gibbs, mostly because it reminds me of you because no matter what's going on you always keep on smiling and I'm very proud of you. *hugs*


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