Title: The Best Thing In The World Is Silence
Author: _gentlycollapse, nightskiesfading
Ship: Jack/Kate
Genre: Angsty kinda.
Warnings: None, good clean fic
Spoilers: Maybe slight spoilers from Season 2
Summary: Kate enjoys a peaceful moment on the beach, and thinks deeply into her relationsip with Jack.
Rating: G - Nothing to worry about.
Disclaimer: I don't own lost, of course.
Author's note: I was looking over writer's prompts because I have had such a horrible case of writers block recently, and I came across one that talked about Silence, and I sparked an idea in my mind and went with it. I hope you'll read and leave a comment, I really put a lot of heart into this story.
The best thing in the world is silence. And Kate was enjoying the small moment of it that she got sitting on the shore of the beach, sinking as she called it. Her feet in the sand, she closed her eyes as she felt the tide wash up and back down around her, taking sand with it along the way, and pushing her deeper into the soft shore of the island. Chaos surrounded every part of the island she had landed on, but for some reason here on the shore staring off to the light blue sky against the dark blue ocean, she felt like she was the only person alive. She felt like she wasn't in a place surrounded by strangers with her life at risk, she felt like she was safe.
She put her face up to the breeze that blew by and yearned to never have to leave this place where she was now, at peace. It caused her to laugh slightly at the thought of her, a fugitive that was on the run, was now enjoying a life as free as this. But thinking again, she remembered she wasn't free. She escaped from one trapped life to be trapped in this one, trapped on the island, the miles of ocean laid before her acting as the barriers she could not conquer. Looking down at her feet and seeing the white caps of the ocean waves hit against them, she was reminded of the conversation she had here with Jack. Jack, she thought, was something she had here that she hadn't had in her old life.
Jack was the one other part of the island that made being stuck here not all that bad, seeing him walk up to her brought a smile to her face despite the turmoil that surrounded her. Remembering their conversation, he had come to talk to her here after he had moved to the caves. It wasn't the caves that were dividing them though, Kate knew this, there was no perfectly logical reason for her to have not gone with him. She just could not have a permanent place to stay, moving into the caves with Jack was too much for her. Kate laughed at herself, they weren't putting up a picket fence and painting their names on a mailbox, they were moving into caves for shelter. But Kate ran and avoided it, it was what she did, part of her being. A tiger doesn't change it's stripes....maybe...
Kate wanted to believe that she could, Jack had told her they all died when they landed here, she wanted to start a new life. But you can't run from your past, as fast as you might sprint the skeletons will always fall out of your closet, your past will always catch up. Jack seemed to forgive her sometimes, for her past, then he'd bring it up again suddenly when it came into play. As much as you want to, you can't forget what you've done during your life. You make choices and they happen, and Kate couldn't take back what she did. Jack was flawed, he wanted not to be, to be a hero, but he was flawed. He could try and pretend Kate had started over with a new life, but he knew as well, your past doesn't stay behind even if you move forward.
Wiggling her toes in the soft grain of the moist sand beneath her feet, she heaved a long sigh as she continued to think. Kate was in a thinking mood, there was a lot of things on her mind lately and for the first time in days the air was silent enough for her to have a conversation with herself. Feeling the soft breeze against her brown hair, she shook her head as it blew in the wind. It was perfect weather, and she wanted to enjoy it while she could. Rain seems to come fast on this island she had found herself on.
Her brain geared into action again, bringing up more topics that she wanted to think about, she planned to get what she could out of this rare gem of an afternoon. Her mind seemed to reel back to Jack, he had not spoken to her recently. It tore her up inside, to see him talking to Ana or for him to walk by without speaking, but Kate could see it in his face it was tearing him up too. They had a relationship, one that didn't need words, they could tell from their faces what each other was thinking more so than an entire conversation could between two other people.
Yes, Kate thought, she had something with Jack. From the day she had sewn his back, she knew that their relationship wouldn't be a simple one, he had taught her that day that she didn't have to run in every situation. She thought back to the day, the words he had spoken, 'you're not running now'. Kate wished, she wished she could plant her feet in the ground as she was doing now and not feel the urge to move them. She wanted to stay with Jack. She had wanted to that day in the woods, that day she had succumbed to her urges and kissed him, but thinking of the conversation she knew they were going to have to have, she had ran. After that kiss, she couldn't read Jack's face, and it had scared her.
Kate began feeling saddened over her constant instincts and breathed in deeply and stared up into the clouds. Her relationship with Sawyer was not this complicated, perhaps that's why it didn't seem to mean that much to her, he was a friend who she had a crush on and she knew that he had feelings for her.
But with Jack, their relationship was much deeper, it was so much deeper than skin deep, it was in the heart. Deep inside the heart and she could feel it everday as her heart beat. That's why they remained distant, that's why they were scared, because they knew that maybe if they stopped feeling that feeling deep inside their heart, their hearts might never beat the same. They tread cautiously, both afraid to dive into the feelings they felt. Kate knew this, and thinking about it uplifted her and depressed her at the same time.
Watching the clouds move in the sky and feeling the water against her ankles she thought back to her time before the island, the darkness that was there, here in the sunlight and the ocean she was almost glad to have been put on flight 815. The pearls of sand darkened by the ocean's water collected under her toes and she shivered breifly. She began to dive into another thought when her name being called behind her shattered the serenity she was enveloped in. Hurley waved to her from farther up the shore, and Kate smiled as she started to move her feet from sinking further. The best thing in the world is silence, and she would have to return to it later.