Sam had better get there NOW! It's about to get ugly!
Much as it sucks to be Dean right now, it's a darned good thing he didn't cross paths with Billy back in '92 or '93 -- 'cos he WAS the right age then! (I'm stifling a shudder here). And I had a feeling that Mommy Dearest was makin' with the inappropriate lovin'. Makes me want to say 'poor Billy,' too. Looks like his psychosis is as much nature as it is nurture (he inherited the crazy and then learned how to work it?).
I wish I didn't have to go to work so I could sit here and finish reading this! lol.
But, DUDE! I'm really enjoying, and completely appreciate the reactions your leaving along your journey through this story. The glimpses every now and again are loads of fun for me, and I can't thank you enough.
There are twists ahead, sharp lefts, hard rights, so hang on. I hope the end doesn't disappoint.
Sam! Get your ass out to the farm and save Dean! That momma is so sick and demented! Dean seems to be on his very last reserve and Billy just might make a move on him since his "mother" is demanding that he kill Dean. Biting my nails until the next chapter!
Very exciting chapter! I loved watching Sam follow Dean's trail in the basement of the library. His marveling at Dean's computer skills was amusing, too. Hee
Comments 4
Much as it sucks to be Dean right now, it's a darned good thing he didn't cross paths with Billy back in '92 or '93 -- 'cos he WAS the right age then! (I'm stifling a shudder here). And I had a feeling that Mommy Dearest was makin' with the inappropriate lovin'. Makes me want to say 'poor Billy,' too. Looks like his psychosis is as much nature as it is nurture (he inherited the crazy and then learned how to work it?).
I wish I didn't have to go to work so I could sit here and finish reading this! lol.
Ah yes, work happens, no?
But, DUDE! I'm really enjoying, and completely appreciate the reactions your leaving along your journey through this story. The glimpses every now and again are loads of fun for me, and I can't thank you enough.
There are twists ahead, sharp lefts, hard rights, so hang on. I hope the end doesn't disappoint.
Really great chapter, hun! :)
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