Well, as I have said, the momentum to Sim is returning just a bit. I have been taking a little too much advantage of the romance mod from MATY because, you see, Ariel, Fek'lhr and TK-365 are not my only trio of love!
Pixel_and_bean will enjoy this one.
What have Tatsuo and Yule been doing these days, you ask?
Click to find out )
Comments 8
Awww! and I approve of you bestowing him on Yule and Tatsuo. Akbar looks very happy in Yule's arms. ^_^
Gotta love the chaos of the Reaper and the Repo materializing at the same time. Sad about your puppies, though. :(
Akbar + kitten = squeee!
I apologize for his backtalking. I never disciplined him enough, it seems. He always had me wrapped around his finger, too.
Thanks for this, and I'm sorry it took me a day or two to comment... I'm just lame sometimes.
He actually behaved very nicely until he was served up that food and Tatsuo became fuzzy. (Now he gripes that he wants his lovers furless and changed, again :p ) It didn't help that I stupidly got him demoted, had a house full of animal hauntings and a Sim who's going crazy with the pesticide! So I totally don't blame him. :)
You're right, food has never imitated Independance Day in my sim neighborhoods... I'm sure he took it in stride, he always had an interest in cookery for me. (Though quite snobby about store-bought cakes for birthdays -- what sim isn't?)
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