Jack/Sara Ficathon

Apr 21, 2009 15:20

Welcome to the Jack/Sara Ficathon!

As you all probably know by now, the Jack/Sara ficathon is definitely a go! \o/ I can not express how happy this makes me, mainly because this is one of my favorite pairings! It is my sincere hope that this ficathon generates a lot of great Jack/Sara fics for us to read.

I came up with the following rules (borrowing heavily from other ficathons while I was at it), and there may be some minor changes in the near future, but for the most part, here goes:

The Ficathon!
  • First and foremost, this ficathon is for everyone. Whether you are an author or a reader, these stories are for you. This means that everyone can submit prompts and bunny ideas for Jack/Sara stories, even if you don't plan to write anything.
  • Stories will be Jack/Sara centric, with lots of drama, angst, family, friends, and fun (cracktastic stories, of course, are more than welcome). The fics will cover their past, present and futures, with an occasional appearance of their son, Charlie, or maybe only his memory. Either way, we will have plenty of Jack/Sara fics to read and enjoy.
  • This ficathon will be based on the prompt submission/adoption process, which seems to be the least stressful for most authors. Basically a list of prompts will be posted May 15th for authors to look over, choose the one that inspires them, then write a fic based on the prompt. All remaining prompts will be kept in the "archive" to be used for next year's ficathon.
The Timeline!
May 1-14, 2009 - Prompt Submission
May 15, 2009 - Claim your prompts and start writing!
July 1, 2009 - Post your stories!

The Rules!
  • Stories must be about Jack and Sara O'Neill. Other characters can be included, but Jack and/or Sara must be the main focus.
  • No character bashing.
  • Gen, het, NC-17 allowed. So are AU fics.
  • Fic warnings must be included in the header.
  • Rating must be included, as well.
  • Stories should be at least 500 words. There is no maximum word count.
  • Stories must be betaed, proofread and spell-checked before submissions.
  • Please hold off on posting your story anywhere else until the fic deadline.
  • If your prompt or fic has a spoiler, especially with the two latest SG-1 movies, please label it accordingly.
The Prompts!
  • Everyone can submit a prompt, even if you don't have an LJ.
  • You can submit more than one prompt. In fact, the more the merrier!
  • Prompts can be anything from a word, a phrase, a photo, lyrics, lines from a poem, a quote, or any combination thereof.
  • Prompts may not be specific. Your prompt probably won't be claimed if you tell the author exactly what you want in the fic. With that said, many authors will write whatever comes to mind from the inspiration they get from the prompt, which may not necessarily be what you expected.
  • The Prompt Submission entry will be screened to keep things simple, then compiled into a master list which will be unveiled on May 15th.
  • Please claim only one prompt at a time. If you finish your fic before the deadline and want to write another, by all means, please do. We just want to make sure there are enough prompts to go around.
  • Prompts will be crossed off as they are claimed, and it will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • If for some reason you claim a prompt, but then don't use it, please let me know so that I can put it back into the prompt pool. You never know. Someone else may have wanted to use that one.
Gleeful Rejoicing!
  • Let the Ficathon Begin!!

mod, rules

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