Drabble: Breathless (NC-17)

Nov 19, 2007 21:46

Title: Breathless
Author: elinor_godwin
Rating: NC-17
Genre: UST, Smut
Time Line: Sometime after Ghost Machine...
Disclaimer: BBC owns Torchwood, I'm just borrowing them.
A/N: Just a short piece of smut, enjoy!

Whether it’s chasing weevils, recovering alien technology, or riding invisible lifts; the view atop the Millennium Centre or his proximity during firearms instruction, he always leaves her breathless. She tries not to think about it too much, because when she does, the ordinary ways he does this morph into fantasy, and she’s easily tempted.

Like being wrapped up in his greatcoat, her body flush against his. Commanding lips expertly navigate her neck while long fingers dance wickedly through damp curls and slick folds. She shudders as he takes her hard against the nearest wall.

Yes, he always leaves her breathless…

genre: ust, genre: smut, !drabble, writer: elinor_godwin

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