Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica), PG-13, 2/WIP Author: jacedesbff with Merc4Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Duncan, ensemble
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I love this fic. Logan is so sweet! I love the Pimpmobile. Is Aaron going to still be evil? Does he 'approve' of Veronica because he has a fetish for young girls? Or does he 'approve' of Veronica because she and Logan are so damn cute!! I love this so much! Can't wait to see where you take it now that Wallace has been introduced. More soon?!?
Now you know that I can't answer those questions yet! And even if I could, you would really want me to! ::laughs:: And the next chapter is proceeding very quickly, undoubtedly b/c I'm not trying to incorporate canon, which while fun also takes for frickin'-ever! :-)
Xterra Alley - Hee! The Love Machine was a hilarious addition. And that Keith knows all about taking "the boys" with her on stakeouts is awesome and totally in character.
But this made me laugh out loud: “I think I deserve some praise, too,” said a voice from the back. Yes, our little hothead Logan deserves a lot of praise for his restraint. Just imagining him in the backseat while we see the canon scene with V and the PCHers is a hoot.
Can't wait for the next chapter, specifically hearing about how these two came together. And how Logan's headlight-breaking becomes part of their little "challenge."
Comments 23
Xterra Alley - Hee!
The Love Machine was a hilarious addition.
And that Keith knows all about taking "the boys" with her on stakeouts is awesome and totally in character.
But this made me laugh out loud:
“I think I deserve some praise, too,” said a voice from the back. Yes, our little hothead Logan deserves a lot of praise for his restraint. Just imagining him in the backseat while we see the canon scene with V and the PCHers is a hoot.
Can't wait for the next chapter, specifically hearing about how these two came together. And how Logan's headlight-breaking becomes part of their little "challenge."
Hmmm. Update soon!
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