Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil), PG-13, 18/? Author: jacedesbffPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil, ensemble
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Gah, I just wished for an update of this, and BAM...here it is. It was wonderful. I love the idea of them as the new 'fab four'...and D is totally scaring me. I loved the first part, about how he couldn't feel emotion until he found out about V and Logan. That was amazing. Very well-written. Thanks so much for the update.
Uh oh. I loved this! It was really sweet! Weevil/Meg is growing on me more and more as the chapters go on. And I really kind of like the idea of Weevil and Logan being able to become friends so early on. I kind of wish we could have seen this happen.
And from Georgia to Idaho? Sheesh! I thought Indiana to Florida was long, but that seems like it would be even longer!
Wow! Duncan as an emotional vampire manipulating everyone around him so that he can keep getting his fix. You've truly succeeded in making him a thoroughly malevolent character. Who knew that underneath that All-American exterior lurked the potential for some prime sociopathy? Live and learn indeed.
Thanks for letting have at least a little calm before the inevitable storm. While Logan, Veronica, Meg, and Eli are, on the surface of it, a highly unlikely quartet, you make them totally believable without sacrificing characterization. Their time spent together in this chapter was a lovely little oasis of warmth and normalcy even though Duncan's malignant shadow lurked along the edges like a spider spinning a its web of deceit and destruction.
Sorry for the errors above. That's what I get for leaving reviews in the wee hours of the morning. :)
Georgia to Idaho huh? I did North Carolina to Georgia and back twice in the last week and a half and that was bad enough. I can't imagine longer than that!
OMG - Mr. McFrogs-a-Lot. Good thing I didn't have coffee in my hand when I read this. LOL, LOL. Although I don't always have time to comment (bad me) I always enjoy this fic. I'm fascinated by Duncan's reason for continuing to stalk L & V, and now, W & M. It's a really interesting use of the facts, and, as usual when you write, it fits seamlessly into your deviation. The scenes with the new foursome were so warm and funny and sweet, and it's really nice to see Logan and Weevil allowing themselves to be friends and to drop the masks they wear at NHS. Oh, and I thought it was priceless when Logan told Weevil where the bathroom was! Lovely, and such good writing.
Re: Mr. McFrogs-a-LotjacedesbffJuly 3 2006, 05:27:08 UTC
LOL. Twinkles Belmar is actually *my* stripper/porn name and Cookie Diamond was that of a friend of mine. The other two I made up--no idea where Mr. McFrogs-a-Lot came from, but it sure was fun! I giggled and everything. *laughs*
Thank you for sharing that you like the new four--it was like a sigh of relief to write them having an actual good time doing normal people things. :-)
Comments 55
And from Georgia to Idaho? Sheesh! I thought Indiana to Florida was long, but that seems like it would be even longer!
And yes, added up, the trip took 35 hours spread over four days. Aaaaagh! :-)
Thanks for letting have at least a little calm before the inevitable storm. While Logan, Veronica, Meg, and Eli are, on the surface of it, a highly unlikely quartet, you make them totally believable without sacrificing characterization. Their time spent together in this chapter was a lovely little oasis of warmth and normalcy even though Duncan's malignant shadow lurked along the edges like a spider spinning a its web of deceit and destruction.
I can't wait for more.
Georgia to Idaho huh? I did North Carolina to Georgia and back twice in the last week and a half and that was bad enough. I can't imagine longer than that!
It's definitely the calm before the storm...
Thank you for sharing that you like the new four--it was like a sigh of relief to write them having an actual good time doing normal people things. :-)
Thanks for sharing!
I love the idea of Logan being hit on by such random people.
and of course I love the whole 4 some they just go together soooo well
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