Alex's Puppet (3)

Dec 20, 2013 20:37

Author: jaaalex
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own all time low
Warnings: Sex and Abuse
Summary: Jack was falling for Alex, but Alex had no intention of catching him.
A/N: I just hit my shin on my over-bed desk and fuck it hurt like a bitch and mum made chicken schnitzel for dinner and i am having a lactose reaction and i ate way too much today, but regardless, enjoy this chapter, and before you say it, Alex is a MUCH bigger asshole in this chapter.

You can follow me on tumblr if you wish to do so.

As Jack sat in his bed, with his face covering his red, tear stained cheeks, the memories of the events that took place not seconds ago still pacing rapidly through his brain, they were memories he never thought he would have to encounter… he thought he could trust Alex…

Evidently not…

He can remember it clear as day…

Things were getting heated, like usual, clothes littering the wooden floors, panting breaths filling the sweat stained air as passion ripped through each of the boys, their tongues battling for dominance, Jack always let Alex win though, thats who he was.

"J-Jack, fuck stop, i wanna try something" Alex said as he pulled away from the heated kiss, and who was Jack to deny they boy he loved; something he wanted, so he obeyed Alex's command. The whimpers coming from his mouth as Alex manhandled him, shoving him quickly onto his hands and knees.

His moans could be heard from miles away as Alex's lubed up hand began palming Jack's hard cock, occasionally dipping his finger into his slit, kneading his hands over Jack's ass, teasing his entrance, as he retracted his hand from Jack's cock, he heard him whimper and saw him thrust backwards, begging for more, "Please Alex, p-please!" he was whimpering and wailing for Alex's hands to be back on his steaming body.

"Im gonna try what i want to now, but you gotta relax for me Jacky, okay, it won't be bad" Alex said in a hushed tone, not wanting to ruin the moment, "O-okay, i trust you Lex, I know you won't hurt me on purpose" Jack responded, putting his complete trust in Alex.

The next thing Jack knew a hard slap came crashing down onto his bare ass, "Alex!" a wail escaped his mouth as he called out, confused as to what the older boy was doing "Shhh, Jacky it will get better, just try and relax" Alex cooed at him, and he did what he was told, he always did what he was told when it came to Alex's requests, he wouldn't want to make the elder think he didn't do what he was told, and he always thought that if he obeyed Alex's requests that Alex may just stay the night with him.

Another hard slap resounded throughout the room, a few more pounded onto jacks reddening, bare and exposed skin, he was trying to relax, he really was but he didn't like being spanked, it hurt so much, but he would put up with it for Alex.

Until 3 hard slaps later, he felt hot tears roll down his cheek as his ass became numb, he was no longer begging for Alex to fuck him senseless, he wasn't arching his back in pleasure, he even went as far to say he was going soft, but he couldn't let Alex down, Alex wanted this and that meant he did too.

"Why aren't you moaning baby?" Alex asked "B-becasue it hurts Lex" Jack whimpered as a few more slaps settled in the room "Its supposed to hurt baby, thats why its good" Alex cooed towards him. Alex reached underneath him, grabbing a hold of his cock, immediately noticing that Jack was no longer hard. He stopped suddenly.

Jack was so thankful, he was so very, very thankful that Alex stopped when he did, Jack may have cracked and shouted or something he would have been pushing Alex away, and thats the last thing he wanted to do.

"Jack, you clearly don't like this" Alex said as he got up off the bed and walked to grab his clothing from the floor, still leaving Jack with his red asks sticking into the air. "N-no, Lex i told you i didn't like it" he said softly, he was hoping Alex didn't catch what he said, but much to his dismay, he did…

"You know what Jack, people are supposed to like those things, a bit of pain never hurt anyone, and it wasn't even that hard, i could have gone much worse on you, Jesus christ, you have to live a little, stop putting so much fucking emotion into sex and just loosen up" Alex said as he zipped up his jeans and grabbed his keys walking out before Jack had the chance to open his mouth to stop him.

Alex's slaps were hard, Jack couldn't deny that, but maybe Alex was just trying to show affection, he knew that Alex could be weird with affection sometimes, maybe this was a new way?

It occurred to Jack; No note, no apology for spanking him like a whore, no apology for yelling at him.

But that was okay to him because he knew what Alex was like, he knew that Alex would come back, maybe to play some video games or maybe to cuddle him even for a bit. He knew Alex needed some time to cool down. Maybe in the mean time Jack would start spanking himself when he masturbated so he could get used to it, for Alex.

He was now slipped under his sheets, wrapped tight in the cotton warmth, boxers only laying low on his waist, his ass still tingling and blaring a harassed red colour, but as he was laying in bed, a small smile crept on his face, he thought to himself: 'Alex's hand print is on me, maybe he just wanted to claim me as his own?' and Jack fell asleep with a smile on his face and the thought of Alex wanting to be with him.

As Alex walked through the door of his house, trudging upstairs, and toeing his shoes off and tearing his clothes away from his still sweaty body, just because Jack didn't enjoy ti, doesn't mean Alex didn't get a kick out of it, he was still hard, but decided to do something about it a bit later, only boxers remaining as he slipped into bed, before grabbing his phone and sending a text to Jacks number "Im sorry for hurting you baby, maybe we could just try having sex next time, and i will cuddle you afterwards" Alex huffed as he sent the text, he was lying through his teeth, but that was okay, he actually didn't feel bad about lying to Jack, regardless of how sick that sounded, he didn't feel bad. Jack was a good fuck, a good fuck his girlfriend wasn't giving him.

And yeah? maybe it was bad abusing jack for his own pleasure, but it felt far too fucking good to stop.

The last thing on Alex's mind before he fell asleep was 'God, Jack is going to be a hard fuck to keep, is he really worth all this trouble?'

jaaalex, rape, sad, young, bad things, hate, abuse, jack barakat, sadness, nc-17, crying, smut, alex, jalex

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