My first poster of Aiba! ♥

Oct 08, 2009 02:19

I finally decided to try and see if I used scotch tape to stick my poster of Aiba onto my wardrobe's door, would the tape come off easily. Thank goodness the material of the poster is pretty thick so I can easily remove the tape without ruining the poster but to be safe, I stuck them on the back. :P I figured since the poster was dented during ( Read more... )

ayaka, aiba, big bang, house, yamapi

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Comments 12

aishitsuzukeru October 7 2009, 21:48:36 UTC
be careful with scotch tape!!! after a while ur poster will look oily in the spots where the scotch tape is...


j_halo7 October 8 2009, 01:57:45 UTC
D: Maybe I'll put the poster up for 2 weeks only then or change the scotch tape every week. Thanks for the heads up!


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j_halo7 October 8 2009, 02:00:46 UTC
Thanks! It's actually quite messy below my side table which I didn't take a picture of.

I'm a bit afraid of taking out all my Johnny's stuff and looking at them all at once because it'll remind me of how much money I've spent on them. D:


arisa_draconis October 8 2009, 00:02:46 UTC
If you told me, I would have taken Aiba from you~ I want an Aiba poster in my room! :D

Wait, you said you're not in Singapore. Where are you now?


j_halo7 October 8 2009, 02:04:16 UTC
I'm still in Australia now. ^^ I'll only go back to Singapore in Dec.

This is my first poster of Aiba so I was thinking of just keeping it even though it's a bit ruined. Plus he looks fantastic in it. ♥


rie_no October 8 2009, 01:42:32 UTC
that aiba poster is hotttt. and your room is so clean compared to mine.. geez. je has totally taken over my room @_@ i should take pics.. but i think id look a little too crazy!!


j_halo7 October 8 2009, 02:09:24 UTC
Aiba looks hot, doesn't he. ♥ I can now wake up to see Aiba (and Yamapi) staring at me. :D

My room is relatively clean but very messy beneath my side table.

Is the walls of your room covered in a lot of pictures of Tegoshi and NEWS etc? I personally don't like it when every wall space in my room is filled with pictures because I think it makes it look smaller so a few posters is all I allow. Even back home, I only have 1 A3 size poster of Yamapi on the wall.


rie_no October 8 2009, 02:21:44 UTC
I'm actually trying to tone my room down again. When I first entered the fandom my whole wall was full of their magazine clippings @_@ Now it's just 5 of the concert posters and I have this magazine rack.. All my cds and other con goods are just kept away in my tv stand XDD

One time I tried to JE-fy my car. I just put a picture of Tego on my dashboad. It distracted me too much so i took it out LOL


j_halo7 October 8 2009, 02:28:29 UTC
Ahahahaha! Tegoshi on your dashboard is a road hazard. It's good you took it out otherwise you'll not be practising safe driving. :P Well, I say 5 posters only is reasonable unless your room is really tiny.

I sold some of my concert goods and NEWS's CDs last year because I needed money but now I'm missing them. Oh well, there's always new concert goods to buy. I can't wait to see Yamapi's solo concert's goods!


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j_halo7 October 8 2009, 14:42:19 UTC
Hehe, my Yamapi pillow is quite nice to hug because the material is very smooth like satin. The reverse side is actually red too. XD

My room in my old house used to have stuff everywhere too. I've become a bit neater now. :P


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j_halo7 October 8 2009, 14:56:39 UTC
It's custom made. You can give them any picture you want and they'll print it onto whatever you want I think. I'm not sure where my friends made it though. You don't have such a service where you live? Try those gift shops where you can make customize gifts like puzzles, mugs, T-shirts etc. Some might have one for a pillow. Or I can ask my friend for you.


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