Tamagoyaki with a normal fry pan

Aug 31, 2009 00:11

I successfully made tamagoyaki today with a normal frying pan! It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I've only made tamagoyaki once a few years ago with the standard rectangle pan but it's a good thing I didn't forget the technique to making it. Now, I don't need to buy the rectangle pan. :D Next time I'm going to try it with seaweed.

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drama: misc, concert, arashi, cooking, rants

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Comments 4

bumbleberri August 30 2009, 23:54:07 UTC
YUM that dish looks so appealing...XD

yah!~ Same here!! Yi Jung (kim bum) & ga eul were my 2 favorite characters in the korean verison!! <3
I seem to like ALL of the Soujiros in the Boys before Flowers versions so far (excluding taiwanese version since i barely watched that one) & the Chinese/mainland Soujiro dude was super funny <3 i love him

Aww I just finished watching the chinese version (Meteor Shower) & I thought it was really adorable & light-hearted, and good :) And it's wayy different than all of the other versions :D But I guess it's up to u if u wanna give it a try, but yeah..

hehe i get insomnia a LOT for no reason at all (dramas might be ONE reason though XDD)


j_halo7 August 31 2009, 03:17:44 UTC
I don't exactly have a favourite character in BOF. I just thought Kimbum was cute and made a cute couple with Ga Eul. No matter what version, I always can't stand the girl who took advantage of the situation of Doumyouji losing his memory. I kept saying "bitch" whenever she was on screen in BOF. :P Her love for Jun Pyo cannot be compared to Jan Di and even the ex-fiancée. She is like 3rd in line for Jun Pyo behind them both. XD

I don't think I've ever watched a Mainland China dramas because it feels like it'll have very bad acting, bad plots and I might not be able to understand their spoken Chinese. I think Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese dramas are more than enough to keep me busy. :P But I highly doubt I'll watch Meteor Shower which would be an overkill of HYD. I hope Bollywood won't be next in adapting HYD...or Hollywood. (>___<)


heichan August 31 2009, 10:57:17 UTC
Yum! I love unagi. You have inspired me and I'm going to go hunt for some. I haven't eaten it in years.


j_halo7 August 31 2009, 18:09:30 UTC
I love unagi too! But I read somewhere that they are considered an aphrodisiac food. XDDD I knew that much after I come to love unagi. :P


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