Sim kids will grow up into pajamas if they were in their pajamas as a toddler when they age up. If you're like me, your toddlers pretty much stay in their pajamas all the time because no one ever changes them into their clothes. Every once in awhile I will, but mostly I just don't bother. Is Morten's regular outfit that robe or does he just not get dressed much? And did Tobias ever spin up wants before he died?
Tobias wishes straightened themselves out pretty quickly, so he wa normal most of the week. You're right, my toddlers rarely get dressed. Neither does Morten. He DOES own a polo shirt in red and orange that he wears to school :)
Awww...bye bye Tobias! Yeah, my kids always grow up in PJ's too cause I never change the toddlers out of theirs. It's just so much work. (Ok, not really, but I have better things to spend their minutes on then changing the toddlers out of their PJ's.)
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