photo meme

Oct 07, 2007 22:14

Photo Meme! Everyone's doing it so I might as well. Give me 3 things to take a photo of and I will post them here.

I was back in bed reading after lunch when my mum came in my room saying they were going for a walk and I suddenly felt the urge to go as well. The woods and lakes and all we saw were amazingly beautiful. I'm knackered but so glad I went.

Last night I went out with my childhood friend Clémence who I hadn't seen for 6 months. We went to this lounge bar in town, it's really cool. It was so good seeing her again, we've got many things in common again. There was a time these past few years where we were sort of growing apart, but curiously, I've changed, she's changed, and we get along so well. It's a shame she's gonna move away again.
At some point during the night, two of her male friends joined us for a while. One of them was quite cute... the kind of guys I like lol. And he's single. Weird thing is that after they'd left, Clem spent about 15 minutes telling me how great that guy was, that he was perfect and all, so I asked if she was interested in him, but she swore she wasn't, and she really wasn't. Odd. He's going to the same uni I am, so maybe I'll bump into him in the corridors...

All in all, excellent weekend for once :D

meme, nature, friends, life

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