Hey everyone, me again. Page 3 is done.
Based on the awesome story
Sick verse by writeatmidnight.
I have a feeling that every page I make gets harder to make, and not easier. Sure, Im getting faster with the outlines and characters, but the backgrounds... man I get a HUGE headache over them.
I don't know what to say about this page, coz I'm currently kind of pissed off, so I don't even know if it looks ok heh. My fav pannels would be 2nd and 3rd one. Overall I say its... meh, ok-ish I guess. I hope the background doesn't look too weird. I wont even start on the faces in this page coz... guh, the boys are on a strike I guess.
Next Guh, now i NEED TO STUDY!!! I have an exam tomorrow (statistics) and I know shit. I always get arty inspirations when I need to study lol...
Page 4 is 25% done.
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