Special rec post: Big Bang 2009

May 02, 2010 04:18

Since Big Bang is really really close (writers deadline for the drafts was today, artist sign-ups are next week), we figured this would be good opportunity to reminisce about last year's fics. So, here it is: the ultimate Big Bang 2009 fics rec post.

Big Bang 2009 )

author: akintay, author: myhyperbole, author: monica_catch22, author: bekkis, author: takobella, author: aramuin, author: ignited, author: silentpoetry1, author: felisblanco, author: _leafy, rating: r, author: rhythmsextion, author: engel82, author: unreckless, author: magicletters, author: annella, author: poor_choices, author: thegreyking, author: cala_jane, author: marishna, author: laulan, author: elise_509, author: marlowe6468, author: villiageidiot, author: allamboy, author: mediaville, author: rocketbalm, author: causeways, author: candygramme, author: smidirini, author: hunters_retreat, author: elless18, author: _mournthewicked, author: stonemarionette, author: indigo_blind, author: rebekahfair, author: jasmasson, author: frostian, author: jeyhawk, author: gatorgrrrl, author: atimi, author: the_milky_way, author: belyste, author: allie_quixotic, theme: spn_j2_bigbang_2009, author: lasvegas_lights, author: arabia764, author: lazy_daze, author: lostt1, author: germanjj, author: splashpink, author: lizzywinks, rating: nc-17, author: truelyesoteric, author: finn21, author: winterlive, author: sophie_448, author: macbyrne, author: aleia, author: alasse, author: _doodle

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Comments 14

woman_of_ May 2 2010, 04:34:28 UTC
My pleasure, I'm glad you liked the story as well!


faith_mars May 2 2010, 20:37:59 UTC
which one is yours? I don't recognize your name. :)


woman_of_ May 2 2010, 20:41:50 UTC
Sorry no, I didn't write a story, just one of the ones I reced made the list as well!


faith_mars May 2 2010, 22:08:01 UTC
Ah, I see.


sarahk_63 May 2 2010, 05:35:10 UTC
Oh my god!

It's the rec list from hell!!! No, seriously, you must have read my mind...I've been hanging out for some excellent J2 recs! *Squees*


faith_mars May 2 2010, 20:39:06 UTC
*lol* Uhm sorry?

You're welcome :) Mindreading is our middle name. *g*


sarahk_63 May 3 2010, 02:50:52 UTC
:D just one of your many talents, I'm sure :D


(The comment has been removed)

faith_mars May 2 2010, 20:39:23 UTC
You're welcome :)


callistosh65 May 2 2010, 07:17:46 UTC
Well isn't that just the perfect rec list - much appreciated:-))


faith_mars May 2 2010, 20:43:51 UTC
You're welcome :)


ancastar May 2 2010, 17:41:03 UTC
This is awesome! I can't believe I missed some of these.


faith_mars May 2 2010, 20:41:12 UTC
There were a lot of fics last year. It was easy to miss some of them. That's what we're here for. I'm fearing this year already. *lol*


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