Because they're in looove!!

Sep 29, 2008 00:23

SO. Over at ohnokripkedidnt, they're having a J2 HOUSEWARMING PARTY!!

The J2 Housewarming Party
@ ohnokripkedidnt!

So, lemmalone decided that: "I'd buy them one of those enormous space age weapons grade coffeemakers that come with a six hundred page instruction book. *evil*"

to which celtic_cookie replied: "
You're a very bad person. Torturing Jensen like that. What would he do without his morning cup of coffee?

Of course, now I'm imagining him all pillow-creased and blurry, with his glasses on, swearing a blue streak at your coffeemaker. LOL!!!"

and hd_obsession SAID: "now that picture needs fic! lol"

Author: kaz2y5_impala, aka ME!
Pairings: Jared / Jensen
Raiting: R
Summary: Jensen hates their new coffee machine. That's all there is to it.
Authors Notes: Written as comment!fic that got kinda long.....No beta.
Disclimer: Jensen and Jared only belong to themselves. And maybe each other no one else.

Jensen blinked. Nothing.

He blinked again. Nothing.

"Fuck," he pressed the heel of one hand against his eye, and realized what the problem was: glasses.

Of course, Jared was still sprawled in fifteen different directions on the bed, and without glasses ON, finding one's glasses is difficult. Also difficult? Finding one's glasses without. Damn. COFFEE.

When Jensen finally located the damn things fifteen minutes later (in Sadie's bed, for Christ's sake, and what the hell were they doing there?) and stumbled back down into the kitchen, he was ready to kill someone.

He did think, briefly, that perhaps he was being a little over-dramatic, but then he caught sight of the instruction manual lying on the floor where he'd dropped it in the search for his glasses, and growled slightly, stooping over to pick the stupid book up.

And why the hell did a coffee machine need an instruction manual anyways?! It was easy: pour the water in. Put in a filter. Put in grounds. Turn on.

But Jared had INSISTED on some stupid, high-tech espresso-cum-coffee-cum-frothy girly coffee drink maker, and Jensen knew firsthand why the fangirls called Jared "puppy". Stupid huge eyes and pouty face.

Stupid coffee machine. He was using phrases like "pouty face". Caffeine would be nice, Jensen thought.

He debated just staring the machine down and forcing it to tell him its secrets, but he was pretty sure that only worked for Chuck Norris. When the thought made him giggle--Oh, dear GOD--he knew he had to figure out how to work the fucking machine.

So he hitched himself onto the counter, rubbed the last lingering traces of sleep out of his eyes, and opened the (he shuddered) manual.

Jared was startled into being fully awake at eight-thirty to the sound of something large crashing in the kitchen, followed by Jensen shouting. Sadie lifted her head from the foot of the bed and gave a soft whine, ears flattening against her head. Jared scratched her behind the ears as he dragged himself out of the bed, shivering slightly when his bare feet touched the floor.

"Jen?" he called over the edge of the railing before starting down the stairs, rubbing one hand through his hair.

When he arrived in the kitchen, it was all he could do to not laugh. Jensen was standing in front of the oven, the instruction manual for the coffee maker in one hand, and a pair of tongs in the other. The machine itself was lying an various parts on the floor, and Jensen looked murderous.

"Jared." Jensen's voice is decidedly dangerous, and Jared is suddenly extremely grateful that he didn't cross right to Jensen when he got to the kitchen, because he had a feeling that if he had, he'd be missing something vital at that moment.

"Yes?" he asked innocently, moving behind the island in the kitchen, just in case.

"Why did you decide we needed something more complex than a Mr. Coffee?" Jensen's voice was pleasant enough, but Jared was not fooled. He knew the danger of a Jensen Without His Coffee. He smiled widely.

"Because this one also make espresso?" he asked brightly. Jensen growled at him, and had it not been terrifying, Jared probably would have jumped him, tongs or no tongs. Jared sighed. "Jen, would you--" he stepped around the island, but Jensen pointed the tongs at him.

"Your fault I don't have coffee, Mister I Want Frappachinos In The Comfort Of Our Kitchen," Jensen said. "Your. Fault." Jared slowly raised his hands and stepped a little closer.

"Would you let me put it back together so I can make it work?" Jensen studied him for a moment, then dropped the tongs on the ground with a clatter and flung the book at Jared. Jared, not expecting five pounds of instruction manual to come flying at him, got smacked square in the clavicle, which made Jensen snicker evilly.

"Ow! Fucker!" Jared rubbed the spot and glared, and Jensen shrugged.

"I don't have coffee. I can't aim." Jared was extremely tempted to throw the book back at him, but Jensen was standing right there, all sleepy-eyed and frustrated and scruffy, and yeah, okay, it was extremely sexy. And Jared really didn't want to get denied sex for the next week (again), so he bent over and grabbed the silver pieces of the machine, carrying them all to the counter.

He was aware of Jensen lingering right behind him, watching everything he did over his shoulder, and when Jen's chin rested on said shoulder, one arm wrapping around Jared's waist, fingers dipping just below his waistband, well, that was only incentive for Jared to move faster.

He clicked the last piece in place and tilted his head, looking at the picture in the manual, and then back at the coffee machine. "There." He tipped his head sideways, meeting Jensen's eyes. "Done." Jen was frowning at the machine.

"Why'd it work for you?" he grumbled, stepping away to grab filters and coffee grounds. Jared grinned.

"Because I'm extremely attractive." This time, when Jensen chucked the box of filters at him, Jared was quick enough to dodge.

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