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zubeneschamali February 2 2018, 20:45:12 UTC
I mean, if no one else is going to pick the low-hanging fruit:

- “I Kissed a Girl” - Katy Perry
- Jared/Jensen/Gen/Danneel
- NC-17
- A day at the beach leads to sunburns and sweet, albeit sandy, surprises.


dancing_adrift February 2 2018, 23:19:02 UTC
Lmao! I read this and was like, "I *know* I've seen this before!" Then I scoured all three pages of prompt comments and still didn't see it... Then I was looking at the 'How to Prompt/Fill' post et voila! Dern you! Lol.


quickreaver February 3 2018, 19:24:55 UTC
LOL, you beautiful THIEF, you! (Not that I care, because I WAAAAANNNNNT.)


Fill - Fresh Air 1/2 the_rant_girl February 8 2018, 01:26:21 UTC
I don't think I need any warnings other than the fact that this is the first thing I've written/completed in like a year, so meeeep. *feeling ALL the nerves* And I'm not sure if this actually meets the prompt or not, but here goes...

The air was filled with squawks and giggles and full on peels of laughter, feet and hands cutting and cupping and splashing through water as they dodged away from and darted towards each other. It was warm to just the right degree. And it was fresh. Fresher than Jensen could ever remember it being. A gentle breeze keeping their sun-warmed skin from over-heating. Of course the water helped with that too.

Jared kept trying to get them to go deeper; big ball of puppy energy itching to swim. But the girls were content with sticking closer to the shore.

“Let’s play ball instead!”

Genevieve’s suggestion. She knew her man so well.

You could hear the whir of the football on every pass and the dull thwack when it was spiked down into the sand in victory; even if they weren’t playing by any sort of ( ... )


Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 the_rant_girl February 8 2018, 01:26:46 UTC
Jared picked up two of the margaritas from the counter, Danneel was supposed to be grabbing the other two, “Danni, where are you going ( ... )


RE: Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 zubeneschamali February 10 2018, 16:42:13 UTC
Nice use of the song! I just want moooooore...but I'm also glad to see you writing again! Love the idea of them all fitting together and being so completely comfortable with each other.


RE: Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 the_rant_girl February 10 2018, 19:25:27 UTC
Aahhh thank you so very much, my lovely!! ♥♥ and I could maybe be tempted/persuaded to write some more, ;P just you know there was some self doubt/freaking out going on lol

There's also some other prompts here that are all shiny and "pick me" lol but I haven't started anything else yet, so.....

I really love this foursome, and I mean the polyamorous austin commune foursome is so totally real it's not even lol

*is gonna stop rambling now*


RE: Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 quickreaver February 12 2018, 06:01:23 UTC
Eeee, this was JUST DELIGHTFUL! And sunny and Chapstick-y and adorably sexy. Yeah, I would read more of this, yes indeedy!


RE: Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 the_rant_girl February 12 2018, 22:37:04 UTC
Eeeeeee!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! ♥ This comment made my entire day!! *nods* and I may be working on some more of this now ;P hee I hope you guys will like it lol ♥♥


Re: Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 quickreaver February 13 2018, 02:23:57 UTC

... )


RE: Re: Fill - Fresh Air 2/2 the_rant_girl February 14 2018, 01:52:02 UTC
Also, also, this gif is FABULOUS!! Bwa ha!!


Fill - Cherry Capstick the_rant_girl February 14 2018, 01:48:31 UTC
Now completed with a name change and yeah, *all the internal screaming* lol but uh yes, linkage.

I may be somewhat slightly evil, but uh yes, I really do hope you like it!

| AO3


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