therealljidol week 28: fatal flaw

Aug 17, 2017 16:36

I have her eyes. They’re the same shape and color -- I can tell from the photographs, even if I’ve never met her. The rest of my face doesn’t look like hers, not quite, but the eyes are the same.

“You’re just like her,” Dr. Morris -- Jim -- swears, up and down. “You are her. A perfect copy ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

penpusher August 18 2017, 20:12:41 UTC
A pithy, fascinating conversation, love and loss, science and emotion, humanity and machinery. Certainly this could be expanded in all sorts of ways, incorporating the thoughts of Dr. Morris, who, it seems likely somehow became somewhat attached to the subject, or at least enough to prevent the destruction of the chassis, and perhaps a more thorough examination of the original knowing that death was imminent and trying to continue her life through science, specifically because science failed to save her, and really, failed her again. A very thought provoking piece!


marlawentmad August 19 2017, 20:33:43 UTC

I really thought this was going to take a dark turn and they would wipe her completely. It is interesting to think what it will be like for her to go out and exist in the world without any real world life experience or memory. I would like a follow up story of how she gets along.


murielle August 21 2017, 09:43:45 UTC
Oh, how sad! Deep. One of the most thoughtful and beautiful reflections on artificial intelligence I've ever come across. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this--it shows!


i_17bingo August 21 2017, 13:13:52 UTC
Holy shit, they didn't kill her! I thought they were going to kill her! It would make sense for them to--it's not likely they thought of her as human. But they had a heart. Your piece was hopeful in the face of psychological adversity, and it was really moving.


alycewilson August 21 2017, 22:22:27 UTC
I never thought this story could have a happy ending, but I like how you resolved and how earned it felt.


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