[Translation] Johnny's Web - Arashi's group talk for Kite single (2020.07.29)

Jul 30, 2020 23:37

O: Arashi’s new single, “Kite”, starts selling today! For today’s group talk, we’ll decide who is the MC by drawing lots too!

Arashi: Ok!

J: It’s not me!

A: Not me too.

O: It’s me!

A: Continuing from the previous time.

S: Ohno-san!

O: My third time being the MC? I keep drawing the MC role. LOL

N: It’s unbelievable.

O: Well, let’s hear from everyone. How was it…everyone?

A, J, N & S: LOL

S: That’s sloppy!

O: Each of us has talked about the A-side song in the messages so we’ll talk about the B-side songs here. How were the B-side songs?

A: 3 B-side songs, right. “Journey to Harmony”, “Sounds of Joy” and “Bokura no Hibi”.

J: How did “Sounds of Joy” sound like again?

A: (Humming)

J: This is the chorus. Yeah, yeah.

S: How was it for you, Ohno-san?

N: You’ve been played out! He answered your question with a question!

O: Hmm…shall we listen to the songs? LOL

Arashi: LOL

O: Ok, “Sounds of Joy” first.

A: I’m going to play it.

S: DJ MASAKI! Come on!

A: Yeah!

Arashi: (Listening to the song)

O: We sound young.

S: That’s true!

J: True.

A: It feels very secure and stable.

O: Somehow, even when we became older, we can still sing it.

A, J, N & S: (Bursting with laughter)

N: You were talking about stability in that sense?

A: Does that count as an impression?

O: He he he

J: Hasn’t it been a while since we had such a cheerful song?

S: Yeah~

A: It’s very summer-like~

O: Uh huh.

A: For me, this song reminds me of a Director whom I’ve not met in a while. He was always with me but there’s a break from the last time I met him. I was happy to meet him after so long. LOL

Arashi: (Bursting with laughter)

S: This group talk is going nowhere.

O: Has it been a while since we met this Director?

A: It’s just me. There’s a Director who always accompanies me when I record songs. I think it was for this song and “Bokura no Hibi”.

S: I really like the song, “Bokura no Hibi”.

O: Oh! Shall we listen to it then?

A: You can’t remember, right? LOL

N: Just in case.

S: I’ve been listening to it already. I really like it.

A: We all said this song is good ever since we heard the demo.

S: Because both “Kite” and “Journey to Harmony” are majestic songs. When we were choosing the B-side songs to go with these two songs, we selected it from among some demo tapes through voting as usual.

A: This was the song that had all five of our votes!

N: It’s amazing you still remember that!

A: It’s because I like the song too!

S: You’re the same as me! …ah!

O: It’s the same for everyone.

S: It wasn’t something I could boast about huh.

A: So this is the song~ (Singing softly while “Bokura no Hibi” is playing)

N: It’s this song!

S: It kind of touches you right?

N: It’s a good song.

A: The melody is beautiful too!

O: It feels like our fans will like this song!

J: Yeah, when I first listened to this song, I like it too.

O: Nino’s voice seriously sounds similar to mine.

A, J, N & S: Oh~!

A: The beginning part, right?!

O: Yep, I can’t differentiate at the beginning,

N: Hehehe

O: Shall we move on to “Journey to Harmony”? Let’s start with Ninomiya-kun!

N: Even after we release it on CD, my image of the song remains the same as that time.

J: That’s true.

A: I know what you mean!

O: It makes you feel nervous, right!

N: I vividly remember how that scene looked like just by listening to the song. It has become an unforgettable song.

S: The scene we saw from Nijubashi [1].

O: That’s all that comes to my mind.

S: It’s not like concerts where we do the actual performances many times.

A: The song’s impact and the event itself were amazing.

S: The solo part we each sing is very nice too.

O: It’s a good song.

Arashi: It’s a good song!!

[1] Nijubashi - A bridge in the Imperial Palace.

[Theme Talk]
Theme Talk:

O: Next, let’s move on to the theme talk. Relating to “Bokura no Hibi”, the topic is “What are Arashi’s new typical behavior arising from your new lifestyle?” and relating to “Sounds of Joy”, the topic is “The sound you like in your daily life”. We have to choose either one of these two topics. Which one shall we choose?

J: As the MC, you can go ahead and choose the one you like!

O: Then this one! Let’s go with “The sound you like in your daily life”!

A: Oh!

S: You chose the topic that’s more difficult!

O: The sounds we like from our daily life. I’ll start first.

A, J, N & S: (Bursting with laughter)

N: You’ve already decided what you’re going to say before choosing. LOL

S: So strong-willed! LOL

A: Please go ahead.

O: For me, it’s the sound when ice freezes.

S: That “gara gara gara”sound?

J: It happens all of a sudden, right? LOL

O: Yep. It scares me a little but I like that sound. LOL

S: Hmm, for me. I like the sound made when the bath is ready. [2]

J: Like that song “OFURO GA TAKEMASHITA [The bath is ready]” or something?

A: I think it’s called “OFURO GA WAKIMASHITA [The bath is ready]” [3]. Are you that excited about taking a bath? LOL

S: I’m like “It’s here!” when it rings. After I press the button to get the bath going until the bath is completely filled with hot water, I’ll think of things to do during that period.

Such as doing my laundry or washing some things. I wait in anticipation without knowing when the bath will ring to tell me it’s ready and try to finish doing the things I had decided to do.

N: You’re battling against the bath! LOL

S: I’m happy when I finish them in time. LOL

O: What about everyone else?

A: If it’s a sound I dislike, I thought of one.

O: What is it? That’s fine too!

A: It’s the “chan chan, chan, chan” alarm. I use it for my alarm in the morning.

O: Did you purposely use a sound you dislike for your alarm?

A: Nope, I slowly came to dislike it. Initially, I used a normal alarm but felt it wasn’t enough so I changed to another one and now I dislike it. Shall we listen to it? I’ll set it to ring in 1 minute.

J: Just set it to ring now. LOL

A: I don’t know how to make it ring now. LOL

N: Fine, let it ring 1 minute later then. LOL

A: (Sets alarm to ring 1 minute later)

S: But if you use this alarm, it’s more likely to make you wake up, right?

A: Yeah, but...

O: Anyone else has a sound they like?

J: Hmm...

S: Sounds outside of your house is fine too, no?

O: The currently popular “food being eaten” sounds are fine too.


A: Eating sounds? I wonder why the sound a person makes when eating is popular now. I find that strange.

J: Ah! I thought of one! Recently, I heard the croaking of frogs.

A, N, O & S: Oh!

(Aiba’s alarm starts ringing)

Arashi: (Bursting with laughter)

O: It’s a nice sound. Sounds very fresh.

J: I’m surprised you can wake up with this alarm.

N: Isn’t it quite a nice sound?

A: If you listen to it everyday, you’ll come to hate it. (Turns off alarm) Sorry for interrupting your story any frogs.

S: Do frogs croak that much?

J: I think it’s only at night. Even in the heart of the city, you can hear them croaking.

O: Surprisingly, frogs are found just about everywhere. What about Nino? What sound do you like?

N: Hmm, I guess I like the sounds of machines. Such as the sound of a computer rebooting or sending a message out. I like any digital-related sounds!

A, J & S: Oh!

N: Like the “kachi kachi” scrolling sound on those old portable players. [4]

A: The one that makes the “kari kari” sound, right? That’s so nostalgic.

O: Well, we’ve talked about the topic related to the theme. Finally, Arashi’s new single, Kite, goes on sale.

Including the B-side songs we talked about today, the genre of all the songs are very varied. There are songs that are similar to Arashi’s current style and also songs that has vibes like those songs we sung 10 years ago but still sounds appropriate now so it’s just wonderful.

S: Do you recommend it? LOL

O: I recommend it. Arashi’s just amazing. LOL

Arashi: (Bursting with laughter)

O: Well, this is it!

Arashi: That’s all from Arashi!!

[2] Automated bathtubs in Japan will stop filling it with water once it reaches a certain level and play a sound to inform the person when it stops.

[3] OFURO GA WAKIMASHITA - A rap song by artiste Tsukudani-Mafia. Watch the MV here.

[4] Maybe like the scroll wheel of an iPod.


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