NaNoWriMo update

Nov 26, 2012 22:15

Day 20: 1,519.

Day 21: 1,805.

Days 22-25: zero, as I was on a trip to visit family for Thanksgiving.

Day 26: 1,194.

I may not make the goal, but I have good bit of free time in the next 4 days. We shall see. :)

words, nanowrimo

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Comments 2

nun_sense November 27 2012, 07:21:10 UTC
I'm rooting for you..... and praying too!


izhilzha November 27 2012, 17:21:10 UTC
Thank you, that means a lot to me. Pray that I will have creative energy--whatever that means coming from the Beloved! :)


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