30 Days of Fan Fiction Meme, Day Seven

Jul 13, 2011 16:53

7 - Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?

A fic that someone else wrote and I read? Very rarely, but it does occasionally happen. (watervole's take on Col. Harry Maybourne, for an example. Or jedibuttercup's take on Tess from EurekaA fic that I was writing ( Read more... )

fandom, meme, writing, fan fiction

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Comments 3

jedibuttercup July 14 2011, 00:38:05 UTC
Most of my affection for Tess came from wanting Jack to finally be happy so very badly; so I tried hard to find a positive angle on her during the tag challenges. And ended up enamored enough in the process to write a whole Big Bang story from her POV, lol. I'm glad you appreciated my portrayal!


izhilzha July 14 2011, 14:12:15 UTC
Yeah, it was really in-depth and interesting (and "interesting" was not a word I would have used for Tess before, lol).


tree_and_leaf July 14 2011, 20:47:31 UTC
I became a lot more sympathetic to Susan Pevensie when writing her.


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