An altered version of the cliff/shag/marry meme

Jun 21, 2008 21:24

This variation was stolen wholesale from kerravonsen. (Yes, I am procrastinating--and posting this partly in the hopes of coming back to some silly comments at the end of the 2-3 hours I promised myself I would spend writing, tonight.)

Make a comment listing three characters from fandoms I know. I have to chose which one gets which fate amongst the ( Read more... )

fandom, meme, silly

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Comments 20

Randomness ladybrick June 22 2008, 04:58:34 UTC
Ninth Doctor, Spike, Spider-Man


Re: Randomness izhilzha June 22 2008, 06:44:38 UTC
Oh, good grief.

I'd marry Spider-Man. He's responsible, cute, and lives on planet Earth (well, most of the time). (I'm assuming Mary-Jane is nowhere in the picture.)

Um... I'm having trouble figuring out what Spike could teach me, or I him (I cannot imagine him *listening* to me), so I'll shag him instead. The vampire thing doesn't do much for me, but he's quite a looker and quite a talker, so that's not too bad. :-)

Which leaves Nine to teach to use his sonic screwdriver to dismantle a piece of alien technology. I can imagine a multitude of scenarios where he might find it necessary to use my hands while he's busy elsewhere.


Re: Randomness ladybrick June 22 2008, 06:46:22 UTC
:D Fun!


kerravonsen June 22 2008, 05:22:10 UTC
Ninth Doctor, The Master (Simm), Larry Fleinhart

If you don't know who The Master is, then:

Severus Snape, Gil Grissom, Cazaril


Ninth Doctor, The Master (Simm), Larry Fleinhart izhilzha June 22 2008, 16:15:34 UTC
(I'm almost current with New Who, up through "The Unicorn & the Wasp.")

If I can assume that for some reason Megan is out of the picture, I shall marry Larry Fleinhardt. He's brilliant and sweet and understands the importance of both faith and reason.

I'm kind of petrified about either teaching/being taught by The Master (what might he actually agree to teach me?), or shagging him (I imagine his preferences aren't exactly vanilla). Um. Well...perhaps he could teach me how to sing his favorite song. *g*

Which leaves Nine for me to shag, and that feels a lot safer and is a good deal more appealing.


Re: Ninth Doctor, The Master (Simm), Larry Fleinhart kerravonsen June 22 2008, 20:46:04 UTC
The Master is petrifying for many reasons. 8-P
I wonder what his favourite song would be.


Severus Snape, Gil Grissom, Cazaril izhilzha June 23 2008, 17:10:09 UTC
This selection entertains me, so I'm going to do it, too. :-)

I think I would absolutely marry Cazaril--assuming that the possibility indicates that either I am part of his world or he is part of mine, and that we have a certain congruency of faith, believe in the same God/gods. Honestly? He's exactly the sort of man I would look to marry in RL. Not joking.

Difficult choice, these other two. I think I actually find Snape more sexy, so I shall shag him (he'd best wash his hair beforehand, though).

I seriously doubt there's anything I could teach Gil, so he can teach me something instead. Perhaps the life cycle of one of the more useful bugs he sees in his forensic work, and how to use that to identify time of death.


mistraltoes June 22 2008, 05:26:33 UTC
I think you should have to do the Don, Larry, Colby that you gave to Kat.

For variety: Ron Weasley, Xander Harris, Indiana Jones.


Don, Larry, Colby izhilzha June 23 2008, 21:20:12 UTC
Okay, fair's fair.

Assuming that Megan is out of the picture, I'm so marrying Larry. He's brilliant, kind, and understands the need for both reason and faith.

Colby's rather a hunk. I would not be adverse to shagging him. :-)

I want Don to teach me to shoot whatever kind of rifle that was he used to take down Crystal Hoyle in "Two Daughters."

(Or, you know, we could just switch those last 2 around. That'd work too. *g*)


kalquessa June 22 2008, 15:42:43 UTC

Um...our fandoms provide altogether too much fodder for this. Hm.


Daniel Jackson, Colby Granger, Jean-Luc Picard

(It took more impulse control than I knew I had to not put the Impala in there, somewhere. Just so you know.)


Daniel Jackson, Colby Granger, Jean-Luc Picard izhilzha June 24 2008, 00:12:32 UTC
Aw, I wouldn't want to take the Impala away from Dean! I'm not a home-wrecker. *g*

I'll marry Daniel. Smart, responsible, good-looking...what's not to go for? (Mind you, we're way too much alike in some ways and not enough in others, but it'd definitely be better than letting him die! *g*)

Colby continues to be awesome eye-candy--I'll shag him.

Jean-Luc Picard knows many things which I do not. I'd settle for him teaching me to play the flute. (Yeah, the one from that planet.)


amberdulen June 23 2008, 01:13:53 UTC
Shag, marry, or mentor? That's new.

Okay then, minor Supernatural characters:

Gordon, Ash, Bobby


kerravonsen June 23 2008, 20:32:47 UTC
Shag, marry, or mentor? That's new.
Yes, that was the idea. Because I don't like throwing people off cliffs.


amberdulen June 24 2008, 02:10:26 UTC
But mentoring is NICE. Couldn't it be shag, marry, or slap, at least?


kerravonsen June 24 2008, 02:14:58 UTC
Well, there's always the "or die" option. 8-P


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