Goodness, it's been almost a week since I posted! O_o

Jun 21, 2007 10:37

And it's not like I've been insanely busy or anything. Work has been kind of boring, and finally things are starting to settle down some at the new house.

Actually, that's probably the issue: I finally have time to start playing catchup with my writing, and that *is* taking up a lot of my time. Right now, I've just finished a Numb3rs fic which ( Read more... )

house stuff, real life, update, internets, supernatural, ficathon, my fics, gen_remix, writing

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Comments 17

ladybrick June 21 2007, 19:15:18 UTC
I know Kathryn goes to Swork all the time.

...I never sent you guys the contact info for each other, did I?


izhilzha June 21 2007, 20:26:53 UTC
Um...don't think you did. :-) Perhaps I will run into her at Swork some evening!


ladybrick June 21 2007, 20:39:31 UTC
I'll try to send that info out this evening. Should have that statement thing ready by then too ;)

Will I see you at Can't Stop The Serenity tomorrow?


izhilzha June 21 2007, 20:49:26 UTC
You would have, but the site is having issues processing credit cards. So I couldn't get a ticket. (Maybe that's their way of saying "we sold out"?) That makes me rather sad.


kalquessa June 21 2007, 20:07:34 UTC
In honor of Teh End, I watched "Reckoning" 1 & 2 and "Threads" last night while doing the ironing. I kind of consider those the Season 8 finale since they're the eps where everything gets tied up. (Moebius being a finaly, unrelated swan-song with lots of self-referential humor and waves goodbye.) I love how they gave all the good "guest" characters (Bra'tac, Jacob, Thor, Siler, Walter, Reynolds) some part to play.

The best part? Bill was half-watching while he graded papers and at the end he said "I get tired of asking you about backstory. I need to see these from the beginning. Do we have the pilot?" Do I hear an excuse to re-watch the entire series? I think do!

Oh how I love this show. I shall miss it greatly when I have devoured Season 10 on DVD.


kalquessa June 21 2007, 20:13:16 UTC
Also (I forgot this bit because I got caught up talking about myself):

Glad the new house is coming along well! Let me know when you want someone to descend upon it with food and DVDs. And of course you're always more than welcome to come visit the Anderson Ancestral Abode!


izhilzha June 21 2007, 20:50:23 UTC
It may be a couple more weeks before the house is truly fit for random visitors. :-) But I shall keep that in mind!

And I would love to visit the Ancestral Abode at some point! We shall plan on that.


izhilzha June 21 2007, 20:29:53 UTC
I have "Threads" on the DVR to watch, as well. There has been a steady marathon of SG-1 on SciFi this week, and I have taped several episodes which I do not own on DVD. Yay for our show! And yay for Mr. Bill's desire to view it and enable your habit! :-)

I think I picked "Moebius" for my "farewell" viewing solely because of the final scene. *hugs team tightly*

I need a "fishing" SG-1 icon. *sniffs, wipes tear*


whitemartyr June 21 2007, 21:34:18 UTC
Heeheee... cats. So amusing. :P

I'm glad you have a good coffee shop!! I'm sorry I haven't given you any real feedback on your ideas (or your CSI), my brain is not in storymode, not much at all lately. Too much other chaos. Eeep!

Oh SG-1. I want to know how they end it! Hmm!

(it was a tossup between this icon or the Doctor with Kitten one. This one won because it makes me giggle!)


izhilzha June 21 2007, 22:44:31 UTC
LOL. *pets the Doctor*

It's okay--I know your brain is in crazy places, so as much as I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, I shall refrain from poking you for them. ;-) (Bet you haven't read the CSI yet. Right? *g*)


maevebran June 21 2007, 22:40:34 UTC
Glad the house is working out for y'all. Ahh Felines nothing more than felines..
As for SG1, as usuall I will be at jedibuttercup's for the finale. I've been watching some of the earlier episodes to celebrate the show. Ther is this thread on the Gateworld forum that decided last week on Wednessdays and Sundays to watch an episode and discuss the teamy goodness. (We started with "Children of the Gods" and are now discussing "Emancipation" so "Brocca Devide" is up for Sunday. At this rate it should take years to get through all 214 episodes.)


feliciakw June 22 2007, 10:35:48 UTC
(I don't know how to put the two dots over the "o")

You mean an umlaut, like this? -- Swörk

Macs are wonderful. :-)

Re: SG-1: I won't be able to watch last week's or the finale until I'm in Va some 10 days hence. The timing has changed somewhat. Looks like the earliest I'll be in Va is July 1, possibly July 2.

Yay for cats!


izhilzha June 22 2007, 18:57:06 UTC
Yes, an umlaut, you braggart. :-)

The 1st or 2nd? Duly noted as your possible arrival time! And we shall have to have SG-1 discussions as soon as you've seen them. Yes.


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