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Nov 07, 2012 19:52

Пока я пыталась осмыслить как быть с тем, что Калифорния решила совершить экономическое самоубийство (см Prop 30, Prop 32, Prop 39 )  и мирным демократичеким путем пришла к однопартийной системе, наш бейсбольный гений подошел к вопросу статистически:
36% избирателей в Калифорнии назвались в екзит поллах членами просоюза
Это рекорд, прирост за 2 года ( Read more... )

politics, us, california

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Comments 30

andreylv November 8 2012, 20:05:37 UTC
А о чем были поправки?


iz_tumana November 9 2012, 01:24:57 UTC
даже не знаю с чего начать, но сегодня все уже написали об этом

пессимисты говорят что дойдет то бакротства и федерального бейлаута.

Кроме этого 32 не прошла (шанс ограничить власть профсоюзов хотя бы чтобы
остановить подобное в будущем), зато прошла 39 - обложить налогом некалифорнийские компании,
которые ведут бизнес в Калифорнии.

Интересно, что 38, которая дала бы школам в два раза больше денег, но налог бы подняли всем (внизу шкалы на .1-.2%)
не набрала даже 30% голосов. Свои деньги, видать, на школы жалко.

Вот и задумаешься, это вообще обратимо?


andreylv November 8 2012, 20:12:41 UTC
Кстати, мужик на видео совершенно прав. По все трем пунктам. И я, между прочим, проголосовал за Джонсона :-)


iz_tumana November 9 2012, 01:31:42 UTC
мой сын тоже


sthinks November 8 2012, 21:52:43 UTC
У меня тут прелестное в ФБ ленте. Там существенная группа всяких коллег "Jewish professionals", которые, естественно веселятся и ликуют. И вдруг диалог очень-очень левых знакомых:
- I am so disappointed in California.
(я вздрагиваю в недоумении)
- Apparently, we are all okay with Monsanto deciding what's good for us and blindly eating food that is banned in parts of Europe.
- The huge majority voting to continue to kill people in our names is frightening!


iz_tumana November 8 2012, 22:11:16 UTC
Да, GMO это их самая большая проблема, все остальное они получили, как хотели. А все почему? Не написали, что деньги на это дело надо отобрать у нефтянных корпораций!


murzik November 9 2012, 06:02:35 UTC
right, that is the reason why it failed... my ny friends are so so so disappointed in California, among the many cries of joy. everybody is scratching their heads in the "how could have that happened" motion. i was actually surprised it didn't pass, there were so many signs here for it and none against it.


what killed me also murzik November 9 2012, 05:59:05 UTC
is that prop 30 is retroactive to the beginning of 2012. i am sure people didn't plan for that.
as for the election day - i started vodka shots around 3pm, though they were helping little. the doomsday feeling is up in the air, that is for sure.


Nobody reads history books anymore fiona_grady November 9 2012, 20:08:20 UTC
Lord Salisbury, the British Prime Minister, wrote back in 1895 that to widen suffrage among the poor while increasing taxes upon the rich would end in a complete divorce of power from responsibility, as "the rich would pay all the taxes and the poor make all the laws".
Welcome to this Brave New World!


Re: Nobody reads history books anymore iz_tumana November 10 2012, 00:51:57 UTC
my American co-worker wrote to me on FB, that to vote to raise taxes on the wealthy in this situation was a RESPONSIBLE thing to do.
I think the problem might be old, but the demographic is quite new.


Nobody reads history books anymore fiona_grady November 10 2012, 02:09:47 UTC
Since the "rich" are now those who make $250,000 and over, and since - if nothing gets done soon in the House - the taxes will amount to almost 50% of the income, the "rich" will not remain rich for long. And, naturally, you don't make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.
The problem, however, is that after another similar election cycle we will have more than 50% of the population in the dependency status, and then each and every consecutive election will be just that: the poor write all the laws while the "rich" pay for them.

I think European Union presents a wonderful example of how well this works: the Germans and the French are paying for the long vacations and substantial pension benefits of the Greeks. Lo and behold, Germany is now also showing signs of recession.


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