Drabble Prompt Teenager - Grown

Feb 07, 2011 16:35

Title: Grown
Author: NeonChandelier
Prompt: Teenagers
Genre: Family
Characters: Mama Higurashi central.  Inuyasha, Kagome mentioned as a romantic pairing
Summary:  And how does a woman respond when she may never see her baby again? 
Rating: K
A/N: Thank goodness I carry paper with me at all times! This fic hit me while I was sitting at Tim Horton's drinking an extra-large cafe mocha and listening to the GooGoo Dolls, LOL.  The one time I didn't have a notebook on me. (Of course).

Mama Higurashi raised the frosty glass to her lips, her sigh almost deafening in the otherwise silent room.

Kagome sat across from her, her calloused hand resting in the tensed digits of the hanyou who was seated next to her.  Inuyasha looked even more nervous than Kagome, a light layer of perspiration clinging to his brow.

"Mama, we're getting married." The announcement hung in the air, covering her senses like a thick blanket and stifling her breath.

How did a woman respond when her eighteen year old daughter told her she was engaged to a demon?  What was there to say, when your baby told you that she was having a baby of her own?

Kagome was a teenager, a child by modern societies standards. A baby for kami's sake!  Her baby!

Any hope for Kagome's future flew from her mind, unbarred by her attempt to keep a hold on them. Another sigh wrenched itself from between her lips.

Kagome's fingers tucked a strand of curling hair behind her left ear before coming to rest uneasily on her stomach.

The girl's eyes locked onto her own.  Determined, loving, sure.  A voice in her mind told her that Kagome was no longer a little girl.

How did a woman reply, when she was told her daughter was only here for a visit and would be leaving again, going to a place she could never hope to reach?

How did this woman reply?


author: neon_chandelier, contest #12 - teenagers

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