The web page for the IYFG has just had a facelift to a new cool blue. But, we're looking to give it a new look every quarter or so.
Http:// <=here's the site.
We're looking for new and exciting Splash Banners and navigation bars. I have a few on reserve, but after those run out, I'll have to make them and they'd all be mostly naked bishi. :snicker:
There are a few things we'd like to tell you:
1) Please submit your endeavors to me at or (less preferrably) Please make sure they are in 256 or more colors, and preferably in a .jpg, .gif, or .png format.
2) If you're going to use clips from the manga or anime, cool.
3) If you're going to offer up original art, then make sure you have permission from the artist that we can see. Art theft is a nasty thing that shall be looked down upon with terrible vengace and furious anger. (cookie for those who recognize the movie reference)
4) If you don't know Jack about CSS then you can use the sizes we already have. Splashes need to be 740X200 pix and the navigation bars should be around 170xsomething.
5) If you DO know Jack about CSS and would like to write up your own to go along with your lovely artwork, well then go wild. Just remember that we're best viewed at 800X600 pixels and the area I need for MY stuff (content) is around 570ish pixels.
If you have questions or want clarification on something, ask. I only nibble.
The last question, that I know you are dying to ask, is how is Caitriona gonna choose what gets put up?
I'm gonna make the webgroup help vote on the one they'd like, so I don't have to choose. Not a member of the webgroup. You can always join. And you don't have to be a web-guru to help out with the website either.
Thanks ahead of time!