Title: Being Caught Simply Changes Things
Rating: T
Genre: Supernatural (maybe)/Friendship/Comfort
Warnings: Alternate pairings, some language, and possible OCness
Pairings/Characters: InuyashaxSango
kyuubisangoSummary: "...And I don't friggin' care what anyone human, youkai, or some other being has to say about it! NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE ME FROM YOU!!!”
He knew this place. He could feel it in his bones something pulsing in the back of his mind. Trying to escape. He glanced around the burning husk of a village. He knew what this place was. It was the taijiya village. Somehow though he knew it something totally different. Like some form of dejá vú. It was as if he was seeing the ghost of what was not the broken now. Some hidden memory would lay outside his peripheral vision only to disappear when he turned.
One hut in particular drew him in. It was like the neko that was now with them. A known existence that didn't want to be acknowledged again. He stepped inside sniffing the air. Blood permeated it just like everywhere else. Fortunately it was less thick. He walked around feeling the objects seeing a double edge.
The memory pulsed but did not free itself. Seemingly content to let him grapple to see it unsuccessfully.
Inuyasha growled. Everything that he'd bled into the world from his mind evaporated. Clenching his fist in frustration he turned readying to leave the infuriating place. When a blotch of misplaced color catch his eye. Twisting back around he saw it was the little neko Kirara. She was staring intently at him.
“What?” he asked impatiently. He just wasn't in the mood today. Kirara mewed once and blinked. Frowning Inuyasha ventured, “What? You live here or something?” Kirara blinked. Inuyasha sighed shaking his head walking out the door he threw a lazy 'whatever' followed by a slight wave.
Inuyasha awoke with a slight start. 'Where'd that come from?' he asked himself. He looked around glanced down at the ground where his partner slept almost, but not quite, soundly. These “memories” had been showing themselves from his “past”. At least the past that woman Midoriko had said. He could tell none of them were his though.
Right now he could imagine himself without the woman below. Yet in these “memories” His heart was with this strange miko in unmiko-like clothes, named Kagome. Sango would always be with the other male of their group, some perverted houshi called Miroku. This drove him absolutely crazy.
Suddenly nervous like prey sensing a predator Inuyasha jumped down and shook the auburn haired woman slightly. Mumbling inconceivably the woman sat up and fixed him with a somewhat annoyed chestnut look. “Inuyasha,” she groaned groggily, “I promised you could come if you'd let me sleep! Humans need sleep unlike youkai.”
Inuyasha nodded, not listening, and staring at his hand. He'd just wanted to make sure that everything was what it really was. That she was really there. Another hand covered his. Inuyasha looked up to connect with her worried gaze. “Sango...” Inuyasha choked on the words that were to come.
Closing his eyes he looked down squeezing her shoulder a bit harder. 'Real, real, real...' this became a mantra that he said over and over in his head. Trying to convince himself. His grip became tighter. Sango winced faintly but did not mind. She was a warrior her body meant to be worn and battered in battle.
Still his trying to persuade himself over and over was unhealthy. No matter what priestess had said he needed to learn this was now, real, happening.
Grasping his wrist Sango used her thumbnail to apply a small amount of pressure in the center. It wasn't enough to numb or hurt him but enough to get his attention.
When he looked up Inuyasha's gaze went to his hand. Swiftly he released her his brow creasing apologetically when blood welled up from under her taijiya suit. Sango put on a small smile for his sake then hastily rubbed a salve over the wound to stanch the flow of the red substance.
Inuyasha looked away. Silence covering the both of them like a thick blanket. Sango was first to break it with a sigh.
“Inuyasha, look you can't let what Midoriko said get to you. So what if you made a wish on the Shikon no Tama? It doesn't matter,” Sango explained the best she could. At the moment she couldn't imagine that some silly wish on some silly jewel had made her feel this way towards her hanyou companion. Inuyasha shaking his said, “Yeah I know Sango but then things were different we were with people we'd never met...” He hesitated he didn't want Sango to know his feelings. “And well...you just don't understand!” he burst out, “Here, now, it was never suppose to exist! It's like some freakin detour that'll disappear it's-!”
Startled by Sango's sharp tone he looked up. Her bangs covered her eyes and her fists were clenched tightly in her lap. Her body was shaking slightly. Looking up at him she shouted, “Inuyasha I don't give a goddamn about what some thousand year old miko said!” her hand was clasping his tightly now, “I don't fuckin' care if you made some DAMN wish on SOME DAMNED JEWEL!!! And I don't friggin' care what anyone human, youkai, or some other being has to say about it! NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE ME FROM YOU!!!”
Sango sat there breathing heavily. That was as close as she was going to get to an confession.
She stared at Inuyasha hopefully but as the silence grew longer she had to look away. Her hand never let go of his which was a little white from her tight hold.
Finally Inuyasha said, “W-what?”
Sango's stared wide-eyed in shock. Okay, she knew the guy-er, hanyou was a little dense but come on!
Sango shook her head, “Never mind.” She sighed dejectedly, “Forget I said anything it was nothing.” The taijiya then stood and began to walk away. Inuyasha rushed after her.
“Sango wait!”
Holding up a hand behind her Sango continued walking, “It's okay, Inuyasha I understand you don't feel the same.”
“What? Eh...uh, uh SANGO!” the words came out strangled. She wasn't even giving him a chance? Frustrated he stretched out his hand took hold of the taijiya's shoulder spun her around and pulled her to him.
Any arguments were muffled as their lips crashed together. It lasted for a second before Inuyasha pulled away leaving a slightly disappointed Sango.
Looking her in the eye he said, “Look, Sango, I do feel the same. I love you Sango! It was just I didn't think that you...”
“Loved you too?” Sango finished for him. Inuyasha nodded. Smiling Sango wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's torso and hugged him tight. The hanyou stiffened at the contact at first before returning the embrace.
Resting his chin atop Sango's head Inuyasha said with conviction, “You're right Sango. No one will take you from me. Ever.”
Inuyasha looked around. His pack had gained a few members over the years.
In the end Sango and Inuyasha had still run into Naraku and the Shikon no Tama. How Naraku had still come to be as he was was a mystery though. Of course sooner or later in their travels they'd come along the futuristic miko Kagome, and the hentai of a monk Miroku. Inuyasha had been frightened at first thinking that their meeting would cause something to happen. Nothing did.
Inuyasha continued loving Sango and threatened to have Miroku's head if he tried anything perverse on her. In fact the miko and the monk soon came to grow on one another, and you might even say love if you minus the countless slaps Miroku receives from Kagome daily.
Shippo had also come along. He wasn't as soft as the one in Inuyasha's “memories” (which were now fading everyday) what with him bonding with Sango and not Kagome.
Another good thing out of this was Sango's village had never been attacked and was still standing there today. Kohaku or her father had never died and still slayed youkai. Still, sometimes Sango would still toss and turn as if in a nightmare only to awake and not remember anything from the dream. Inuyasha believed she'd known about the other life only on a lower level than he did.
“Hn?” the taijiya looked up from the stew she was desperately trying to cook for dinner. She hadn't ever been great in the household duties but Kagome was helping her along with the cooking at least.
“You know what's funny?” he asked her plopping down beside the taijiya sniffing the food. Which actually smelled edible for once. Sango turned to him curious, “What?” Sango watched as a smile spread on his face. He turned to her smirking, “None of this would've happened and would have probably continued like last time if you hadn't caught me stealing your bread when we were little.”
Slowly a grin came to Sango as the memories of childhood rushed at her. She laughed, “You're right! That's real strange isn't it?” Inuyasha shrugged, “I guess getting caught changes things.”
“Yeah,” Sango giggled before kissing Inuyasha. Inuyasha kissed her back unaware of the impending “doom” about to come upon him...
Tweak! Tweaktweak!
Inuyasha opened his eyes in surprise to see Sango dashing away from him. She was right to run. No one. No one tweaked Inuyasha's ears. Slightly angry Inuyasha darted after her, “Hey! You get back here you damned taijiya! No one tweaks my ears!”
“Says you!” shouted Sango over her shoulder. With a slight growl at the challenge Inuyasha took off smirking, 'She's gonna get it big time!'