Vampire Heart *Chapter 17*

May 09, 2010 21:18

Title: Vampire Heart
Author: me and Faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: Sho is a vampire prince and he finds himself the perfect snack when he meets up Aiba. The things get strange when he starts to have feelings for him...
Disclaimer: We only own Arashi in our dreams and fantasies XDD

Chapter 17

Jun opened his eyes and blinked a lot. He didn't remember what had happened to him. All he remembered was the crazy people who had kidnapped him. It took him a while to realize he was tide up tight with a strong rope with his legs on his back. Looking around he saw Nino on the floor, in the other side of the room. They were in some kind of a cell. A really dark cell, with silver bars. Nino looked fainted. He was unconscious on the floor.

"Ninomiya! Wake up!" Jun screamed.

But the boy didn't move. Jun crawled to the place where Nino was and pushed him, trying to make him awake. Which the boy did, after being pushed for a while.

"What happened...?" Nino said. "Lord Matsumoto? What are yoi doing here??" he asked amazed when he saw Jun.

"I came to rescue you and I ended up in here. What the fuck is this place?" Jun asked annoyed.

"It's a science laboratory. The humans that captured me are trying to discover why vampires are vampires. Why dose sun and silver burn our skin, how we make our fangs appear when we're hungry, how come we're alive while being dead and so on..." Nino explained.

"How the fuck can they possibly explain that? It's magic!" Jun said.

"I know. But humans like order. Humans like to give everything a name or a number, they like to try and explain everything. They don't believe in magic..." Nino said.

Jun looked at him a bit scared. From the place where they were staying on they could see a big, white door on the other side of the bars. They were save in the cell. Inside of there was where everything horrible was happening. But Nino couldn't remember what they had done to him and Jun had not experienced it yet. They were staring in a empty place when 4 men came in, grabbing Jun and pulling him out of the cell.

"Let go of me! Damn it, take your fuckings hands off of me!!" Jun screamed, before his mouth was tapped.

Nino looked at the men who were all dressed in white and had a strange mask on their face. He tried to move but he couldn't. He watched as Jun was being taken away, unable to do anything.

"Leave him alone!" Nino screamed.

"Don't worry, kid. In half an hour it's your turn. Get ready!" one of the men said, before all of them disappeared on the big door.


Masaki couldn't take it anymore. They had to keep Satoshi locked up all the time and he felt his heart breaking every time he looked at him and saw him like that. He felt sad and worried about him. He wished he could let him go but he knew that he would just make things worse.

Sho and Toma were worried about Jun. There were already 3 days since he had left and there was no sign from him.

"If they have captured Lord Matsumoto it means we are in deep shit." Toma said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Matsumoto is one of the strongest vampires in the world." Sho said.

"They couldn't have captured him..." Masaki said. "Not now when he finally became a good person... It wouldn't be fair..."

"Life is not fair to anyone..." Toma said. "And to our kind, life is a true bitch."

"Why humans must have such a small brain? Why can't they understand that vampires are not that bad?" Masaki asked.

"Not all humans are like you are, Masaki. And not only that, but you are not love all the humans either..." Sho said.

"I know..." Masaki said, letting his head down. "I wish they could see you guys like I see you... With my Vampire Heart..."

"That would be a true blessing... But it's not possible." Sho said. "There can only be one human with a vampire heart... And that human is you."

Masaki hugged Sho tight, trying to calm himself down. He didn't even want to image through what horrible tortures were his friends passing in that moment. He felt tears falling on his face just by thinking about it.

"Please tell me they'll be fine..." Aiba said.

"They'll be fine, baby... They'll make it... They are strong... And if they don't make it, we'll all go save them." Sho said. "But I will not accept to lose my friends... Never..."


Nino was being pulled by 2 men on a long hall. He was thinking about Satoshi... He really missed him a lot. He forgot about it when he heard a powerful scream of pain. Jun... The men started to walk faster and he was hapy about it. He wanted to see what was going on. Another scream of pain, and this time Nino also heard another soun. It was a strange sound, a sharp sound and then a short "poc" fallowed by another powerful scream.

He soon found out what was going on, when the men pushed him inside the big laboratory room. Jun was sitting in his knees, with his head on a metal table. His hands were tight up behind the table with a big chain. Behind him, a man dressed in white and with his face covered with a plastic mask, holding in his hand a whip, was ready to strike him again. Jun's back was filled of blood and another man was wipping each cut with a white small towel, putting it after on a piece of glass and looking at it through the microscop. He was showing it to the man profesor who was still not pleased.

"It's not good. Again!"

The man from Jun's back raised the whip once more and Nino could observe something new. At the end of the whip, there was a small ball covered with little silver spikes. At each blow, Jun's back was arching tensed, then falling back down, tired. Tears of blood were falling down on his pained face.

Nino felt in his knees, with his head down, shaking. He didn't wanted to see that. If Jun who was so strong was in this state they were both finished. The men took him up and placed him on a big chair, tiding his hands and preparing a niddle. After making him a injection, Nino lost his conscience. The last thing he heard was another whip crack and the voice of the profesor saying once more that it was not good yet.
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