So the head cold was extremely intense but of fairly short duration - one of the shortest I can actually remember. I'm still dealing with the accumulated congestion, but that's par for the course for me. It'll probably be around at least another week, possibly 2, but at least it didn't turn into an infection - knock wood
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Comments 2
I am sooooooooo tired. Plus unhealthily obsessed with the kink meme. Have written half a dozen fills already and just saw ANOTHER prompt that I HAVE to fill. Brian + gangbang = khal, typing furiously. Seriously, courting a repetitive-stress injury in the name of fanfic. Sigh. Me so crazy. Smooches. Will send along Western for beta/ideas when I get finished gettin' my kink on.
And I can't wait to read what else you've written in the Western. I still remember the little bit you teased me with before. Plus Westerns! Big win! I am a child of the 60s after all - the Golden Age of Westerns. (I'm not admitting to any of the 50s Westerns.) *G*
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