Mysterons (PG-13)

Jan 12, 2011 21:37

Title: Mysterons (Glory Box, 2/6)
Rating: This part is actually quite PG-13, but it doesn’t really make sense unless you’ve read the very NC-17 part that precedes it.
Word Count: 600
Spoilers: Through Never Been Kissed, if that can even be counted a spoiler at this point…
Warnings: Beware of angst - from the boys as well as me, because angst isn’t my usual wheelhouse, so this whole series is a bit of an experiment.
Summary: Second part of what I’ve dubbed the ”Glory Box” series. Blaine had an experience once, and he’ll never be able to forget it.

All blame for this lies squarely at the feet of cgfan09, who nudged me toward exploring the consequences.

Blaine should have known it wouldn’t be that simple.

When he’d caught that brief glimpse of the boy running across the park, he’d wanted nothing more than to catch up with him. To see what he really looked like. To find out whom he was. That he would come to such a place and find not some creepy chicken hawk, but someone his own age had caught him off guard to begin with, but that all signs pointed to the boy being so beautiful had seemed almost too good to be true.

He really should have known better.

It was maybe a month or so after that Kurt showed up at Dalton, and for one brief hour, Blaine had been just another kid with a crush. The feel of the boy’s hand in his, the undisguised delight as Blaine sang to him, the thrill of being able to sing a flirty love song to someone and mean it for a change? There just weren’t words to describe it.

Only, there were. Joy. Delight. Pleasure. Hope.

There were lots of words, really. He was just too busy thinking of all the things he wanted to do with Kurt to think of silly things like words. With, not to, it must be stressed; because though Blaine certainly wouldn’t have minded a repeat performance (under slightly more ideal conditions, of course), the things he found himself thinking of were far more PG in scope. Taking a walk around the grounds while holding Kurt’s hand. Stretching out beneath the sky and discussing the shapes of the clouds. Late night conversations on the phone that ended with urgings of “no, you first.” Wintertime snowball fights that ended with them clinging to each other and melting the snow with their heat as they fell into kisses that made them lose track of whose lips were whose.

You know, just the usual sort of thing.

He didn’t know why he’d thought it would be so easy. If he’d been thinking a little more clearly about the situation, he would have realized that the boy who’d run so quickly from their encounter probably hadn’t gone into it with any more confidence than Blaine. That the same feelings of desperation and loneliness that had brought Blaine had run through the boy’s head, as well. Maybe he’d regretted it afterward. Maybe, once he was back in his own car and away from the scene, he’d hated himself for it. All of these thoughts did eventually occur to him, but not until it was probably too late to be of use.

The signs were there, he’d just been too full of his own infatuation to notice them. So when things with Karofsky didn’t go as planned, and Kurt barely held back the tears as he spoke of having “never really been kissed,” Blaine felt his heart slowly begin to break. After all of their talks, texts, and e-mails, it was this statement that finally lifted the veil of fantasy from Blaine’s eyes.

The words were no sooner out of Kurt’s mouth than Blaine felt his heart slowly begin to break. He’d considered a lot of possibilities after that day, but one that he’d somehow neglected was the idea that Kurt may have been even more lonely and isolated than Blaine. That he’d been even more desperate and longing for some sort of connection with someone who might be able to understand.

Courage was all well and good, but right now, compassion was what Kurt really needed.

[Edit 1.13.11 - each installment of this series is named for a song I listened to while writing it. This one is "Mysterons", by Portishead.]

mackie study

series: glory box, rating: pg-13

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