Unknown Pleasures (NC-17)

Jan 08, 2011 23:20

Title: Unknown Pleasures (Glory Box, 1/6)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1030
Spoilers: Blaine exists. He’s gay. He eventually meets Kurt. Hooray!
Summary: Blaine had an experience once, and he’ll never be able to forget it. (Just something quick and dirty that came to mind over dinner and wouldn’t let me sleep until I got it out.)

Blaine was never really sure why he did it.

Actually, that’s a lie. He knew exactly why he’d wanted to do it. “Fags totally get off there,” he’d heard the guys from his old track team laugh and snort as they drove past it on the way to a meet his freshman year, and he’d done his best to look uninterested as he craned his neck to see what they were talking about. It wasn’t any place you’d ever notice, really. Just the typical bathroom of a park that could have been any park in any town, but it wasn’t.

Blaine had driven past it dozens of times over the last two years. All boys schools were, sadly, not the hotbed of homosexual activity they were reputed to be, and he’d yet to even properly be kissed by someone. He spent hours thinking about it; kissing, and more than kissing, with frequent mental declarations that he was doomed to a life of complete and utter celibacy.

He knew why he wanted it. What he hadn’t known was what had given him the courage to go through with it. So when he put the car in park and made sure no one saw him as he wandered through the park before finally ducking into the men’s room, he wasn’t really thinking with his logical self. He was thinking with the part of him that saw dozens of half-naked (and sometimes more than half-naked) guys every single day, and was tired of so much looking without any touching that involved more than just himself.

He’d been just about to enter the last stall when he pushed the door and felt it refuse to give. “Someone’s already in here,” a quiet voice said with the slightest bit of tremble, “but the one beside me is free.”

Heart thudding in his chest, Blaine stepped into the adjacent stall and looked down to see the hole that had been cut in the privacy partition between it and the one beside it. A perfectly shaped pair of pink lips could just be seen from an inch or two behind it, large and pillowy and magnificent. “How do we-?” Blaine trailed off, not really knowing what the proper etiquette was for this kind of thing, and afraid of making the wrong move.

The lips pursed for a moment, and then spoke. “I’m not really sure, myself. It’s my first time here; yours too?”

Blaine jerked his head in a quick nod before he realized how stupid it was to nod in response to someone who couldn’t see him. “Yeah,” he finally said in a strangled voice. “However you want, I guess…”

After a moment’s hesitation, the lips pressed themselves just inside the opening and a pink tongue darted out to give them a quick lick. “I want to taste you,” they said, and Blaine felt strangely tender as he undid his pants and placed himself against the willing mouth. Gingerly, the tongue poked out of the mouth and gave him a lick. It started at the base of his cock and dragged slowly to the head before swirling softly around it and guiding it into the attached mouth. Blaine felt himself grow harder as the stranger on the other end grew more aggressive. Small licks and sucks grew into firm strokes of the tongue and a veritable vacuum as those lips wrapped around him and refused to let go.

Far too quickly, Blaine felt the familiar warmth of orgasm spread through him as he jerked once, twice, three times into this unknown angel’s mouth, before collapsing against the other wall of his stall with a shudder. His eyes flicked down to the glory hole (and he now understood why they were called that) and just managed to catch the sight of that tongue licking a stray drop of Blaine’s cum from the corner of its mouth before pulling away; clearly raising himself from his kneeling position to stand. “I don’t think we should see what each other looks like,” his hidden lover breathed from behind the wall “but I’m K-“ and the voice broke off for the briefest pause “I just wanted to say that I’m glad this was a first for both of us.” Then came the crash of the stall door flying open, and two feet running out of the room before Blaine could even make himself coherent enough to get his pants back up all the way.

He raced through the process of getting himself presentable as quickly as possible, but all he could see by the time he left was a guy - a boy, he thought, who might be about his age - running off with classic navy pea coat open and the scarf around his neck flying behind him. He was not exactly tall, though still likely taller than Blaine, with a head of soft brown hair that caught the late afternoon light just so.

That hair would figure prominently in Blaine’s dreams for weeks, as would the voice. Both, strangely enough, appearing more than the lips or tongue with which they’d been associated, though those too made their fair share of appearances.

So when Blaine saw the kid with the perfect hair and long legs on the stairwell, he thought he could be forgiven for looking just a half-second too long. Every new boy he’d met since then had been instantly compared, after all. It was when he heard the boy’s voice from over his shoulder, though, that he was taken aback and had to fight to remain steady on his feet.

That same voice, so soft and breathy but firm and sure of itself. Those same lips, large and soft and without an imperfection he could see. ”How many mouths like that can there possibly be in the world?” He’d thought to himself, doing his best to remain calm. “I’m Blaine,” he said, extending his hand.

“Kurt,” came the reply, the hard and familiar "K" sound sending his heart into his chest. They may have already been more acquainted than Kurt seemed to realize, but there’d be time, Blaine was sure, to get to know each other even better. They just needed a little courage.

[Edit, 1.13.11 - Each part of this series takes its name from a different song that I listened to while writing it. This installment's song is actually Joy Division's "Disorder", but I didn't like the connotations of the title, so it's named for the album on which the song can be found, instead.]

mackie study

rating: nc-17, series: glory box

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