There's Nothing You And I Won't Do (G)

Nov 21, 2010 14:45

Title: There’s Nothing You and I Won’t Do (a.k.a. Twitterpated 2.5/3)
Rating: G
Word Count: 593, not counting the note at the end.
Spoilers: not in the slightest
Warnings: slight display of the author’s questionable taste in music.
Summary: Kurt’s a little horrified by Blaine’s taste in music, but he could be persuaded to change his mind.

Just a little moment that takes place between parts two and three.

“I never would have guessed you to have such horrifying taste in music,” blurted Kurt, before he knew what he was saying. He didn’t recognize half of the names on the small plastic cases Blaine kept in a plastic box behind the passenger seat, and the ones he did recognize made Shu’s obsession with Journey look hip by comparison. Sure, Blaine had tried to excuse it by explaining that his Grandma Hiller had been in her late thirties when she’d bought his car new thirty years ago, and his mom had driven it from the time she’d turned sixteen in the mid-eighties until about the time he was born in the mid nineties. His mother loved the old Benz almost as much as she loved him, he thought at times, and she utterly refused to allow him to replace the ancient stereo and speakers. Given the poor reception from the battered antenna, Blaine’s only option if he wanted any music while driving was to make use of his mother’s old collection of battered cassette tapes. He was pretty sure some of them, like the car, had belonged to his grandmother first, but he wasn’t about to ask. Relying on your mother’s teenage self for tunes was bad enough, but a thirty-something grandmother was going too far.

“I do not have horrifying taste! You just aren’t well enough versed in any music besides showtunes that might possibly predate Britney Spears to know better.”

“If you’re going to try and sell me on grunge, please stop the car and let me off now.”

Blaine rolled his eyes at Kurt’s deadpan request. “No, not grunge. There was music before grunge, you know. After it, too. During, even! Much of it involving fabulously dressed young men with skinny ties and elaborate hairdos. Frequently with homoerotic subtext.”

“You had me at fabulous outfits, but the homoerotic subtext didn’t hurt.”

Blaine gave a small laugh and fished a case from the box now resting on Kurt’s lap. “You’ve got to know this one,” he said, flipping the case open with one hand and sliding the cassette into the ancient tape deck. After jiggling the play button for a second, the car was filled with the sounds of jangly early eighties pop and Blaine’s voice as he sang along.

”Moving forward using all my breath
Making love to you was never second best
I saw the world thrashing all around your face
Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace
I'll stop the world and melt with you
You've seen the difference and
It's getting better all the time
There's nothing you and I won't do”
At this, Blaine turned to give Kurt a smile, and placed his hand on top of Kurt’s.

”I'll stop the world and melt with you”

It’s not like this is the first time the two boys have held hands; they’d grasped at each other the day they met as Blaine led Kurt through the little-used alumni gallery wing on the way to the Senior commons. ”It wasn’t like this, though,” thought Kurt to himself. ”then, he was just trying to help me find my way because I didn’t how to get where we were going.” He felt Blaine give his hand a squeeze as he continued through to the humming at the end of the song, the sound coming smooth and deep from just behind his lips. ”Then again,” he thought as he gave a small chuckle to himself in the back of his throat. ”maybe this is the same thing, after all.”

Note: Song is ”Melt With You”, by Modern English, and Blaine’s guessing Kurt knows it because it’s featured in the prom scene from “Valley Girl”, and Kurt’s already shown he possesses a certain level of genre savvy when it comes to prom scenes in pt 2. That, or the burger commercials it’s been featured in. Not that chipmunk movie, though. He’d never suggest the chipmunk movie.

Acne skin treatment

series: twitterpated, rating: g, bits and bobs

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