Twitterpated 1/3 (PG-13)

Nov 20, 2010 20:13

Title: Twitterpated (1/3)
Rating: PG-13, for mentions of balls and fantasies involving whipped cream.
Word Count: 2087
Spoilers: nosireebob
Summary: Kurt hates springtime, but loves bumping into Blaine.

Kind of fluffy, just setting up for something I've wanted to see since this ship was launched. :>

Also, I'm not really happy with the title. If anyone has a better idea, please feel free to share.

Kurt was never a big fan of springtime. His mom died in April, so his own personal dark clouds always seemed to come in just as the actual skies were finally clearing. This year, though, has seemed harder than usual. The last winter was surprisingly mild, and the warmth and sunshine that began to flood the skies in early March just about drove everyone crazy. “Twitterpated,” that one Disney movie called it. Everyone was twitterpated. His dad and Carole were the giddiest newlyweds in the history of giddy-dom, and his friends were all so well matched up that he frequently found himself feeling like a left shoe by the side of the road. A very stylish and fabulous left shoe, (one of Vivienne Westwood’s plastic pirate boots, perhaps?) but a left shoe nonetheless.

This was what he found himself thinking about as he headed into the mall after Friday’s glee practice. They’d been doing nothing but love songs for what seemed like forever, and for once, Kurt wasn’t too upset about his lack of solos. It wasn’t like there was anyone he wanted to sing to, anyway. “Liar!” hummed his own voice through his head, and he gave it a little shake. There was someone, if he was being honest, but it wasn’t any more worth thinking about than his last big crush. Just because someone was gay, it didn’t mean they were interested. There’d been more than enough opportunities for him to let Kurt know if he felt anything for him, and if he hadn’t done it by now, Kurt just needed to resign himself to yet another guy who’d have his back in the figurative sense, but no other. Besides, he was a junior and Kurt was just a sophomore, and -

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t our favorite spy.”

The words broke through Kurt’s reverie, and he whipped his head around to see a tall boy in a navy blazer smiling at him broadly. “David, hi, what are you doing here?”

“Don’t look so happy to see me, or anything,” David laughed. “Dalton’s curfew doesn’t allow for midnight releases, so today’s the first chance Wes has had to pick up some video game he’s been salivating over for months. He wasn’t bright enough to put a copy on hold, so this is the closest he could find one.” He tilted his head a bit to the side, as if in contemplation, and jerked his thumb behind him. “We were just about to hit the food court to grab something to eat before heading back to campus, any chance you’d want to join us?”

Kurt felt a lump build in his throat. “You mean, you and Wes?”

“Yeah, well, me and Wes, and -“


Kurt spun around to see Blaine approaching. “Blaine, hi, how’s…things?” “How’s things?!?” He inwardly yelled at himself. “Very smooth, Hummel. Next thing you know, you’ll be asking him how he’s enjoying the weather, or whether he thinks that team’s got a shot. You know, that one team, with the shorts and balls, and oh dear god, now I’m thinking about shorts and balls and Blaine and this is NOT going to end well so can I please melt into a tiny puddle and DIE now?”

“Good, actually. Getting better all the time, it seems,” answered Blaine, with that thousand-watt smile that made Kurt go tingly all the way to his toes. “So, dinner? I know it’s not Breadsticks, but there’s got to be something here you like, right?”

“Why yes, there is, and he’s standing right in front of me,” thought Kurt, before he regained his wits. “Actually, no, I can’t. I’m just here to run a quick errand before I start dinner back home. Carole’s working late, and if I leave it to Dad or Finn, we’ll end up eating something Dad’s cardiologist would definitely not recommend.” What luck, he runs into that obscure object of his affection on the one night this week he’s in a rush. “I should probably get going, actually, but it was great to bump into you guys,” he’s careful to look at David and Wes, just in case he’s too transparent, “maybe we can plan to hang out sometime soon?” The other boys nod, and after various requests to Facebook each other later, head off in the direction of the food court.

“Well, if that wasn’t both lovely and slightly painful,” he thought to himself as he turned in the opposite direction. Having seen Blaine so unexpectedly, he found himself torn between walking on air, and slumped under the rock of Sisyphus. “Just friends,” he tells himself. “Good friends, a friend I’m lucky to have, but still…friends.” It’s as he’s telling himself this and turning a corner that he feels someone tapping on his shoulder.

“Mind if I tag along? Someone just walked by in a Vampire Diaries shirt, and it started some argument over the hotness of Nina Dobrev vs. Emma Stone vs. practically every other actress aaaannnnd….” Blaine’s shoulders slumped and he gave a sound somewhere between a grunt and a sigh, and absolutely in the center of Kurt’s guts, before giving a small laugh. “It was just getting way too heterosexual for me. I know you don’t have much time, but seriously, even five minutes around someone not obsessing over Jessica Alba’s abs would help, if you don’t mind.”

“Mind? Oh, yes. I mind so much. I now require that you render your garments and grovel at my feet, or other parts of my body, and OH MY GOD CAN I PLEASE HAVE ONE CONVERSATION WITH THIS GUY WITHOUT IMAGINING HIM NAKED?” Kurt gave the slightest shake and swallow before trusting himself to answer. “Sure, I mean, if you want,” he grabbed the handle of the nearest door and pointed to the sign, “you don’t have allergies, do you?”

Blaine’s eyes flickered upward with a bit of surprise as he shook his head. “Nope. I mean, I’m lactose intolerant, but I kind of don’t think that’ll matter for whatever you’ve got going on here.”

Kurt smiled, and made a mental note to skip the fantasies involving whipped cream from then on. He pulled the door open and gestured for Blaine to enter before him. “Age before beauty,”

“I’m only eight months older than you,” Blaine squealed as he entered the shop. After the slightest pause, he tapped Kurt on the nose and added, “just be glad you’re cute enough to get away with it.”

“Did he just say I was cute?!” Kurt’s heart gave a flip as he shut the door and inhaled deeply. The florist’s shop smelled like roses and gardenias and something spicy he couldn’t quite place, but knew he liked. Spotting the shop clerk in the back corner, he made his way through and got her attention. “Excuse me? I need some help with a corsage. I was thinking something in a lily, maybe? Very pale and kind of ivory with a touch of gold, I think…” The girl behind the counter eagerly showed him some samples, and after agreeing to some of his suggestions, rang him up and promised it would be ready the next Saturday.

“Kurt?” Blaine’s voice as they made their way out of the shop was cautious. “I don’t want to stick my nose in where it’s not needed, but do you really think she’s going to like that? I mean, it’s beautiful, but I always got the impression Mercedes liked things bold and bright; not pale and delicate.” He leaned against the shop window as Kurt shut the door behind him. “I’m sorry, none of my business. I’m sure she’s going to love it. You know her a lot better than I do.”

Kurt gave Blaine a confused look. “Mercedes? That wasn’t for Mercedes. That was for Rachel. Finn offered to do my chores for two weeks if I took care of it for him. He wanted to make sure she got something she’d really like, and thought I’d do a better job than he would. Rightly so, that boy can’t tell a snapdragon from a sunflower, and would have probably picked out something generic at best, and awful at worst. Why did you think it was for Mercedes?”

Blaine stood up straight. “You mean, you’re not taking Mercedes to your spring formal?”

Kurt shook his head. “She’s got a boyfriend now. I introduced them back in November, and they made it official just before Valentine’s Day. I thought about going stag, but -” he shook his head. “Everyone’s paired up now, and I’d just be the thirteenth wheel. It’s far less embarrassing to just spend the night in with a quart of ice cream, some red vines, and select choices from the Bette Davis oeuvre.” He paused briefly. “I thought of asking if you’d like to come over, but I didn’t know if you could get a weekend pass, or if you’d even want to take one this close to spring break.” Blaine shifted a little, from one foot to the other. “Great,” thought Kurt ”I’ve gone and made it weird. Why do I always make it weird?”

“I’m sorry, Kurt, but I’m kind of busy that night. See, Dalton’s junior prom is the same night and -”

“And you’d rather go to that, of course. I’m sorry, Blaine, I didn’t know.” The lump was returning to his throat at the thought of Blaine in a tuxedo, dancing with someone else.

“I’m not really going, though. I’m just performing at it.” Blaine interjected. “See, since most of the guys’ girlfriends never get to see them perform, it’s kind of become tradition for the music programs to do little bits through the night. It gives the DJ a break and lets the guys show off for their dates. It’s kind of a win-win, really. Except for those of us who don’t have dates, because it just means we have to get dressed up and show up for the performance, before returning to the dorms for the night. It’s…kind of depressing, actually. Dalton doesn’t allow people to go stag, you know.” Kurt was surprised. He’d have thought that going stag was fairly common at a school without girls. “Actually,” Blaine started, “Since you’re not going to your school’s dance, I was kind of hoping you’d like to come to mine. I’d have asked sooner, but I thought you were already planning to go to yours with Mercedes.”

Kurt’s mouth fell open slightly before he could catch himself. “You want me to go to your prom with you?”

“Well, yeah. Wouldn’t be the first time two guys went together, and I really can’t think of anyone I’d have more fun with. I know it’s kind of short notice now, and I fully understand if you’re not interested, but…how many junior proms am I going to have, right?”

Kurt’s heart was beating a mile a minute and he couldn’t be sure, but he could almost swear Blaine’s cheeks were just ever so slightly more pink than usual. “You want me to go to your prom with you?” he repeated.

Blaine dug his hands deeper in his pockets and began to pivot on his heel. “Never mind, Kurt. It was just a thought. I should have known you wouldn’t want to -“

“Yes.” The word was out of his mouth before he knew what he was saying. “I mean,” he nodded slowly and deliberately “it sounds like fun.”

Blaine’s face erupted into a large smile, and any doubt Kurt had about their coloring was washed away. “Great, it’s a date, then. Look, I should get back to David and Wes before they decide to leave without me, but I’ll text you later to sort out the details?” Kurt nodded, and Blaine took a few steps backward before turning the corner and heading back to his friends.

“Maybe I can pick up some heart-healthy takeout on the way home,” thought Kurt to himself, as a smile played upon his lips. “I’ve got a boutonniere to order.”


Back at the table with Wes and David, Blaine tried to sound blase as he asked if there was still room at their table for the banquet that before their prom. Wes and David assured him there was, and as he got up to find something to eat, high fived behind his back.

"See?" Wes crowed as he leaned back with his hands behind his neck. "I told you that getting Finn's number would come in handy, sooner or later."

herbal remedies

series: twitterpated, rating: pg-13

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