Title: Sequel to Christmas Engagements (Secret Santa 2008 story)
Summary: Jack battles with the nursery while Sam picks a name.
Rating: K+
Setting: Future (Post Atlantis Season 4)
Pairing: Sam/Jack, Vala/Daniel, Cam/Carolyn
AN: The reason for this story is the push I got from several comments over at my LJ (thanks
paulrissarahany and
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Comments 6
sorry I interfered with our xmas! lol, muses are mean aren't they?
asking the president for painting tips! perfect!jack. and I'm so glad jack is a stay at home dad, he deserves it.
a cat named lisa? ... lol
misinformation through SGC, (eg), good work jack
I'm a man
snort. that's a reason to keep him the heck AWAY from asembly. thank you very much.
lol, hey, at least she babe got a name when it was born, even if it was at the last instant. the guy I work with wasn't in the country when his baby was born and couldn't make a decision... wasn't till he made it over 2 weeks later that his wife finally gave up and named it herself
I'm a man. hehe. nice, Jack.
Don't push your luck. classic S/J banter.
ah, this fic was beautifully S/J in oh so many ways. and u even through in some Cam/Carolyn as well!!! OMG, this was awesome!!!!! happy christmas!!!
Glad that I could please you and Merry Christmas too!
And Merry Christmas!
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