
Jun 04, 2008 15:06

Stole this from hanson_phreek

I figure since I'm off tomorrow, this will give me something to do

I will write a drabble for the first ten commenters to request one (100 words exactly.) In return, they have to post this in their journal (Only if you want-- Lurkers are welcome!) You may request the character and/or the pair for the following fandoms: Ah, you ( Read more... )

meme, fanfiction

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Comments 19

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Re: (I'd post this in my lj but .. I'm not much of a writer ._.) iwantasoda June 5 2008, 21:30:04 UTC
Ha, not much of a chance for sexy in 100 words ^_^

Lick, nibble, slurp
Xaldin narrowed his eyes at the person across the table from him.
A soft sound of pleasure.
Purple eyes narrowed even more at the sound. "Stop that."
An innocent look. "Stop what?"
"Whatever it is you're doing. Stop it."
"But Xally, if I stop my ice cream will melt." Demyx pouted at him before going back to the melting ice cream cone. Licking and nibbling on it with no regard to what he was putting the lancer through.
Xaldin grunted lowly in response, oh yeah he needed to steal Demyx away from the ice cream, and fast.


hanson_phreek June 4 2008, 21:41:18 UTC
Merry/Pippin with the prompt "That was my idea"


iwantasoda June 5 2008, 21:57:44 UTC
There was a rather interesting disturbance taking place in the darkness of the Green Dragon Inn. In the far corner, two hobbits were involved in a heated argument.
"That was my idea! One of my best if I do say so myself!" Pippin insisted, glaring across the table at his cousin.
"No, it was my idea, remember."
Two sets of eyes met in the darkness and as if they were on springs, both hobbits lunged forward, their lips meeting in a brief, but heated kiss.
"Told you it was my idea."
"Peregrin Took, kissing you was my idea."
"Was not."


hanson_phreek June 6 2008, 01:08:21 UTC
*giggle* That was cute! And a great way to use that prompt. Loved it!


prettykittymulu June 4 2008, 22:48:17 UTC
Xaldin/Xigbar prease? :3


Have all dialogue iwantasoda June 5 2008, 22:06:33 UTC
"Put me down."
"Xigbar, do you want one of my lances to skewer your favorite part of your anatomy?"
"My good eye?"
"Think lower."
"Lower? Ah...you wouldn't do that."
"Name one reason why I shouldn't."
"You like it too much."
"Says who?"
"What happened last night."
"I knew I was right."
"I hate you."
"You have no heart, you can't hate me. Sorry Xaldin."
"Let me rephrase that, if I could, I'd hate you."
"Nope, wrong again."
"Then do enlighten me oh wise one."
"If you had a heart, you'd love me."
"I hate it when you're right."


Re: Have all dialogue prettykittymulu June 6 2008, 08:04:58 UTC
Oh, that made me GIGGLE. X3 <3


lokifan June 5 2008, 13:32:00 UTC
Harry/Draco. Heee you said you should get back into it. Now you have to.

Have you read enough Death Note for me to demand Light/L yet? Coz if you did that instead that would still be awesome.


iwantasoda June 5 2008, 22:31:18 UTC
Sorry, no Light/L, I haven't even finished the first manga yet. But I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to ship those two.

And because I love you, have crappy smut in 100 words ^_^

"Ngh, Draco," Harry whimpered, his hands tugging on the blondes hair as he urged him on.
The Slytherin smirked around the cock that was in his mouth, increasing the intensity of his actions, eye flicking up to the clock that was hanging on the wall.
"Close." A soft warning as Harry's hips bucked into Draco's mouth, hands tightening in his hair as he finally allowed his will power to dissolve and came with a loud moan.
Draco swallowed a quickly before rising to his feet and kissing Harry roughly. "Potions classroom never knew you were this kinky."
"Now you do."


lokifan June 6 2008, 16:36:16 UTC

Not crappy at all! I has a thing about hair-pulling, and I love this: "Potions classroom never knew you were this kinky."

I just posted this meme over at my LJ, so if you want I'll do you a smutty drabble too.


x_igrab June 5 2008, 22:15:07 UTC

Link/Tetra. pre-phantom hourglass cuteness |D

(if you don't think you can do it, I'll take sum Lexaeus/Zexion)


A CHALLENGER APPROACHES iwantasoda June 5 2008, 22:45:08 UTC
"Come on Link! Let's go explore the old ship wreck!" Tetra practically bounced on her feet as she tugged on the blonde's arm.
Link protested for a moment before giving in and nodding with a smile.
Hours later, when they were both a lovely shade of pink, Tetra looked up only to find that Link had disappeared. "LINK! Where did you go?" she called out with a laugh as she ran towards the wreckage to look for her friend.
Link appeared suddenly beside her, shyly holding out his hand and allowing a small red jewel to fall into her hand.


Because I effen love you iwantasoda June 5 2008, 22:45:32 UTC
Zexion shivered slightly in the cool air of the lab; Vexen insisted that it stay ice cold, not caring what the others thought of things. His hands shook from the cold, barely functioning as he mixed chemicals, trying his best not to spill any of the dangerous substances.
The Nobody looked up in surprise at the feel of a leather coat being wrapped around his shoulders, a smile crossing his face at the sight of Lexaeus.
True to his name, Lexaeus walked out of the lab without a word. Hopefully he would finish his work and come to bed soon.


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