Short: Happy Birthday, Hermione

Sep 19, 2011 23:10

Title: Happy Birthday, Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Genre: Romance, Smut
When: Post Deathly Hallows
Word Count: 2,313
Warnings: Graphic sex scenes
Summary/Notes: Ron helps Hermione celebrate her 28th birthday.

This is a sequel to my story Happy Birthday, Ronald, but you don't have to read that one for this one to make sense.

Happy Birthday, Hermione

On the morning of her twenty-eighth birthday, Hermione woke up to a slight chill in the air. She rolled onto her side, hoping to find warmth in the arms of Ron, but all she found was his side of the bed empty. Opening her eyes, she glanced around the room and frowned when she realized he wasn’t even in the room.

A quick glance at the clock revealed that it was only a little after seven in the morning, which only added to her confusion. He had taken the day off from work and she had expected him to sleep in, so where was he?

The door to their room swung open seconds later and Ron entered the room, carrying their twenty-two month old daughter.

“Look, Rosie, mummy is awake,” Ron said as he made his way over to her side of the bed and sat down after she had scooted over to make room for him. “What did you want to say to mummy, Rosie?”

“Happy!” Rose squealed before launching herself out of Ron’s arms and landing on top of Hermione.

“She was saying birthday a few minutes ago,” Ron frowned.

“It’s ok,” Hermione smiled, looking at her daughter’s blue eyes before looking at Ron’s matching eyes. “It’s the thought that counts.”

Ron smiled and leaned over to give her a quick kiss. “Happy Birthday, love.”

“Birfay! Birfay!” Rosie echoed.

“Good job, Rosie!” Ron exclaimed, grinning proudly as he reached over and tickled their little girl, causing her to break into a fit of giggles.

Hermione laughed and smoothed her hand over Rose’s red curls once the little girl had calmed and laid her head on her chest. It was then that she noticed both Ron and Rose were dressed.

“Are you two leaving?” She asked, looking at Ron.

“Miss Rosie-Toesie is spending the night with my mum,” Ron replied. “But I knew you’d want to see her before I took her to the Burrow.”

“What exactly do you have planned for today, Mr. Weasley?” Hermione asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

“You’ll see,” Ron grinned before placing a large hand on Rosie’s back. “You ready to go see Grandmummy, Rosie?”

“No,” she replied.

“Oh, I think you are,” he chuckled as he tickled her sides, making her squeal. “Say bye bye to mummy and give her a kiss.”

“Bye bye,” Rose said, giving Hermione a slobbery kiss.

“Bye bye, my sweet baby,” Hermione replied, kissing Rose’s forehead before Ron picked the little girl up.

“I’ll be back shortly,” Ron promised.

After they left, Hermione got out of bed, visited the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Reentering her and Ron’s room, she slipped on her dressing gown then left the bedroom. She made her way to their kitchen to make breakfast.

She was pulling out the ingredients for omelets when she heard Ron entered the room.

“What are you doing?” He demanded, looking rather cross.

“Making breakfast, what does it look like?” She asked, shaking her head.

“It’s your birthday,” Ron replied, taking the egg carton out of her hands. “You’re supposed to be in bed and I’m supposed to bring you breakfast.”

“Oh,” Hermione said.

“Go back to bed and I’ll be in soon with your breakfast,” he told her.

“Yes sir,” Hermione nodded. She rose to her tip toes and kissed him before leaving the kitchen. She walked down the hall to their bedroom and climbed back into bed, propping herself up with pillows.

She found it quite strange to be in bed this late on a Wednesday morning. Usually, by this time, she had Ron’s breakfast on the table and was supervising Rose eating her oatmeal while she ate her own breakfast. Then Ron would go to work at the ministry and it would be just her and Rose.

After Rose had been born, Hermione had tried to go back to work at the ministry, but after three weeks she had realized that she didn’t want to be away from her baby girl forty hours a week. Around that time, Ron (and Harry) got a promotion and they decided that if they stayed in their small house, they could afford for her to stay home with Rose.

Shortly after Rose’s first birthday, Hermione had been contacted by Professor Babbling, the Ancient Runes teacher at Hogwarts, about translating more text like she had translated The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Since it was something she could do from home, Hermione had accepted the offer.

With this change, came a change in her and Rose’s weekly schedule. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, they remained at home and Hermione worked while Rose napped after lunch, but on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she would take Rose to the Burrow then return to her and Ron’s house to work until he came home with Rose before dinner. It had taken a lot of adjustment, but as far as Hermione was concerned, it was the perfect arrangement.

The sound of glass breaking yanked Hermione into the present.

“EVERYTHING IS FINE, DON’T WORRY,” Ron’s voice carried through the house. “JUST A FEW MORE MINUTES.”

Shaking her head, Hermione played with her wedding and engagement rings. She had a pretty good idea of what Ron had planned for the day, especially since they had recently decided to start trying to have baby number two. The conversation had come up as she had been making a list of ingredients she’d need to brew a month’s supple of birth control potion. They had both agreed that now was the perfect time.

The bedroom door opened a minute or so later and Ron came into the room, levitating a tray of food. He guided the tray to the bed and set it down next to her. Hermione stared wide eyed at all the food he had piled onto the tray.

“Even if I was pregnant, I couldn’t eat all of this,” she stated.

“It’s for us to share,” Ron retorted as he climbed into bed. He picked up a piece of sausage and took a bite. “The muffins are curtsey of mum, she made blueberry since it’s your favorite.”

“Oh yummy,” Hermione grinned, picking up a muffin and taking a bite. “Sooo yummy.”

They ate their breakfast in relative silence, save for Hermione’s occasional moan over her muffins. She reached full quicker than he did, but soon they were both laying on the bed, hands resting on their full bellies.

“What else are we doing today?” Hermione asked, tilting her head to look at him.

“Stuff I’m too full to attempt now,” he replied before belching.

“Lovely, Ronald,” Hermione rolled her eyes.

They laid there for several more minutes before Ron forced himself up. “Alright, why don’t you take a relaxing bath while I clean up breakfast,” he told her.

“I have a better idea, how about we forget about the dishes, for now, and you take a bath with me?” Hermione suggested with a grin.

“Believe me, I’d love to,” Ron stated. “But I can’t fit in the tub by myself, so there is no way we can both fit in it.”

“Are you a wizard or not?” Hermione smirked.

“Are you suggesting we use an enlarging spell to make it bigger?” Ron asked, sarcastically.

“Precisely,” Hermione grinned.

Ron’s eye brows knitted together and he reached over and felt her forehead. “Are you feeling, ok, love?” He asked.

“I feel fine,” Hermione stated. “Now, while you take the dishes to the kitchen, I’ll get the bathroom ready.”

She waited until Ron left the room with the tray then she went into the bathroom. She started by casting an enlargement charm on the tub, stretching it lengthwise and making it deeper. She turned on the hot water tap and added bubble bath. Then she conjured up some candles and placed them around the bathroom then turned off the overhead light.

“Wow,” Ron breathed when he came into the room a few minutes later. “It looks amazing in here, love.”

“Thank you,” Hermione smiled, stepping in front of him after shedding her dressing gown and pajamas. “It’ll look even between when we get you out of these clothes.”

“Are you going to undress me?” Ron smirked.

“Absolutely,” Hermione replied. She took the hem of his shirt in her hands and pushed it up before letting him pull it over his head. Eyes locked with his, she undid his jeans then pulled them down his legs until he stepped out of them.

“Into the tub with you, birthday girl,” Ron smiled. He climbed in first then held out his hand to help her in. He settled into the tub, resting his back against the edge and she settled between his legs, her back resting against his chest. “This is perfect.”

“It is,” Hermione sighed, happily, as the water continued to fill around them.

“I say we keep it like this,” he stated. “We don’t need the closet in the hall.”

“For once, I won’t argue with you,” she replied before reaching over and shutting off the water. “Reminds me of that night a few days after the war when we visited the prefects bathroom.”

“That’s one of the few good memories I have about that year,” Ron stated. “Easily in the top five.”

“Top five?!” Hermione exclaimed, splashing water in his face as she turned to look at him. “What was better than making love for the first time?”

“Voldemort being killed,” Ron said, using his fingers to count. “Our first kiss, the first time we said ‘I love you’ to each other and that day in Hogsmeade on the Hogwarts Express.”

“I forgot about that day on the Hogwarts Express,” Hermione blushed as she settled back against his chest.

“Ya well, that’s what happens when you send an Auror straight off of his honeymoon to guard the train in the days leading up to the start of a new term.”

“Especially when said Auror had a lot of fantasies about taking his new wife in every compartment they may or may not have ridden in when they were school kids.”

“I don’t recall you complaining when you were moaning my name,” Ron stated.

“I never said I didn’t enjoy it,” she replied as she felt the effect that their conversation was having on her husband. “In fact, I enjoy it, a lot.”

Ron let out a strangled moan as Hermione shifted her body, causing his manhood to brush against the small of her back. When she started to move again, he grabbed her upper arms and held her in place.

“If you keep moving like that,” he said, breathlessly. “We’ll waste a perfectly good batch of baby makers.”

“Well we can’t have that,” she giggled, settling back against his strong chest.

“No we can’t,” Ron said, wrapping his arms around her.

Hermione closed her eyes, letting the warm water relax her. She was almost asleep when she felt Ron’s fingers graze over her sensitive numb. At first she thought he did it by accident, but when it happened again, she knew that wasn’t the case. She ground her lower body against him in retaliation and he groaned.

“Play fair, Mr. Weasley,” she told him.’

“I play to win,” he smirked.

“Shall we take this to the bedroom then?” She asked.

“Hope about we stay right here?” He suggested as his fingers found her hot center. “Do it like we did that first night we were together.”

Hermione rocked against his fingers as the temperature in her body began to rise all the while feeling his hard member pressing against her back.

“Ron. Need. You,” she breathed out choppily.

Using the water to his advantage, Ron quickly repositioned her body so it was over his manhood then he guided himself into her center. They made waves in the tub as he guided her body up and down on his manhood. Feeling himself nearing his release, he reached a hand down and pressed it against her sensitive numb, sending her over the edge and following almost immediately. Breathing heavily, she laid back against his chest and pulled his arms around her.

It wasn’t until they’d recovered that they realized the water in the bath had gone cold. They climbed out of the tub and he cast a drying spell over both of them before carrying her into the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed then laid down next to her, wrapping her in his arms.

They spent most of the day in bed, resting in between rounds of sex. The only exception to that was when Hermione thanked Ron for treating her to dinner in bed by giving him his dessert on top of the dining room table.

Hours later, Hermione closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of another round with Ron. He had made her twenty-eighth birthday nearly perfect and that made her extremely happy.

One Year Later

Hermione woke up from an unplanned midmorning nap to complete silence. Concerned, she pulled herself off the couch and went in search for her little family.

After checking all the other rooms, she made her way to her and Ron’s room and smiled at the sight she saw upon opening the door. There, stretched out in the middle of the bed was Ron with Rose tucked up against his left side and their three month old son, Hugo, asleep on his chest.

Eyes pooling with tears, Hermione tiptoed across the room and slipped into the bed on Ron’s right side, waking him up in the process. He took his arm off Hugo’s back, inviting her to get closer, which she did then placed her own arm across Hugo’s back to keep him safe.

“Happy Birthday,” Ron mouthed.

“I love you,” she mouthed back.

“I love you, too,” he replied silently.

Hermione sighed happily and snuggled up against his chest.

Everything was perfect.

Author's P.S. I am already plotting a short for the Hogwarts Express scene mentioned above. The idea came out of nowhere but it was excellent and now I must write it! Keep an eye out for it.

when: post deathly hallows, genre: romance, type: short, pairing: ron & hermione, char: hermione, char: ron, rated: nc-17, genre: smut

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