Title: "It can be a dream" Pairing: Ohno x Nino, perhaps one-sided Rating: R Summary: Random and not very good. Is Nino a precious commodity? Or he is just something you find so often, you take advantage?
poor nino such a cute fic they should just fall in love and run away together and make lots of ohmiya babies! ^^ i know this is probably a weird question but i'm sure i've seen your icon before it's killing me i've been trying to work it out for a week oh well it was probably just in a skit or something! ignore me! great fic! ^^
Comments 7
such a cute fic
they should just fall in love and run away together
and make lots of ohmiya babies! ^^
i know this is probably a weird question
but i'm sure i've seen your icon before
it's killing me
i've been trying to work it out for a week
oh well
it was probably just in a skit or something!
ignore me!
great fic!
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