Sep 02, 2008 09:00
My four-day weekend evaporated. How does that happen?
School is already kicking my rear end this semester. Spanish in particular.
I'll be camping this weekend at the Hoosier National Forest. I'm looking forward to hiking, fresh air, and a mini escape from reality.
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Comments 4
Que es la problema?
I totally suck donkey butt when it comes to learning other languages. It's really difficult for me. I'm going to have to break down and buy Rosetta Stone so I can make it through the required year and a half of foreign language.
Tu es magnifica y intelegente!
Es necesaridad estudia la langue; nuevo vocabulario es todos dificil.
I butchered the spelling of language, I'm pretty sure. The hardest part really is learning the vocabulary; I had to put my week's vocabulary on my fridge so I'd see it every day and just practice it whenever I was getting a drink or whatever, that worked for me. You also might look into SuperMemo. They talk about the algorythms and research behind it here. I need to brush up on my Spanish anyway, it's getting *really* rusty, I'm not even sure about the sentence structure of the last part of that last sentence.
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