people make me sick

Oct 06, 2010 10:03

This is revolting. Basically, behind my skillfully-crafted lj-cut, there is an article about how fucking firefighters stood and watched a home burn to the ground because the owner forgot to pay his fee. They made sure the fire didn't spread anywhere else, but they let his mobile home burn to the fucking ground. The fact that it's a mobile home ( Read more... )

is this really happening?, rant, morality, crushing time now, i am too enraged to rant intelligently, i hate the human race

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Comments 19

upstart_crow October 6 2010, 14:23:12 UTC
oh yes I read about that in the newspaper yesterday and I saw it on Keith Olbermann's Countdown (my family are fans; I don't watch him most of the time, but wandered in at the right moment!). I feel so sorry for that guy. I'm gonna find out today if someone has set up a fund to help him. I agree completely that one can only blame the system and "following orders" to a point. That point is long gone when a house is burning and animals die ( ... )


ivy_chan October 7 2010, 02:56:47 UTC
Thanks very much for the information on how to help! I hope there's something I can do for this man.

Intellectually, I understand that violence isn't technically a positive thing. Emotionally, though, it's satisfying to hear that the son punched the guy in the face. Going with the emotional reaction atm.


stunt_muppet October 9 2010, 03:31:15 UTC
Do you mind if I reblog that link on my own journal? I'd like to spread the word of how to help.


dinpik October 6 2010, 14:35:00 UTC
They let his animals die in that fire. I wonder if they can get slapped with a cruelty to/abuse of animals charge?


ivy_chan October 7 2010, 02:58:19 UTC
You would think so! I hope they manage to get them with that, at least. All the firefighters' (on my flist, in the comments) anger over this incident is making me feel a little better, at least.


scdsam October 6 2010, 16:32:14 UTC
I was just discussing this with a friend yesterday. People are disgusting. I hope they get charged with animal negligence at the very least and that mayor deserves a punch in the face as well (yes yes violence never solves anything but at least the mayor has a HOUSE to go home and nurse his wounds in).


ivy_chan October 7 2010, 02:59:19 UTC
I know I should be firmly against violence, but it feels so good to learn that an asshole got punched in the face.


*We are experiencing temporary incoherent rage, please stand by* caterfree10 October 6 2010, 18:43:39 UTC

That is absolutely sickening, BOTH of those articles. As the daughter and granddaughter of two volunteer firefighters, I guaran-damn-tee that shit goes against everything a firefighter SHOULD stand for. Good on the son for punching the fire chief! Serves him right! You can bet your ass I'd have gone and defied orders to help the man instead of letting it burn. People piss me off, I swear to God. *RAGE*

As for the police brutality, I can CLEARLY see why some people loathe the police. >|


Re: *We are experiencing temporary incoherent rage, please stand by* lvsinsanity October 6 2010, 18:55:03 UTC
sorry, meant to post to the actual journal...not you >_


Re: *We are experiencing temporary incoherent rage, please stand by* caterfree10 October 6 2010, 21:29:42 UTC
Hehe, it's okay. I've done that before, too. ^^;;


Re: *We are experiencing temporary incoherent rage, please stand by* ivy_chan October 7 2010, 03:01:25 UTC
Your incoherent rage makes me feel much better about firefighters. Yeah, I know it's probably naive to think firefighters should care more about saving lives and helping people than personal gain, but there you go. I want to think the same thing about cops, but so many are predjudice, privileged, corrupt bullies that I wonder if any of them think that way.


lvsinsanity October 6 2010, 18:55:54 UTC
As caterfree10 said; as the daughter and granddaughter and so on, so forth of firefighters this is sickening and no firefighter in their proper mindset would do this!!


I agree with DinPik that they should get slapped with animal cruelty, and lacking the knowledge his pets were in there is bullshit. A, he would have been freaking out over his pets like any respectable pet lover, and B, they DAMN well had time to check his paperwork, so why the bloody hell not everything else, enh?

I read about Pony Black on ONTD_F and it made my blood boil. I have an almost utter loss of respect for law ENFORCERS, not necessarily the law, that's been going on for decades.

This does not help matters!

Good fucking God US, when your deficit is so fucking bad that you're 'making an example' of a man's only home, pets and belongings, you fucking went off the trail blazing with a hummer and a shotgun.


ivy_chan October 7 2010, 03:03:08 UTC
Your icon is super relevant to this shit right now.

Animal cruelty is the least they should be slapped with, but the most likely they'll get. Hoping for that. What the fuck are firefighters for, if not to HELP PEOPLE WITH FIRES? They wrecked that man's life over seventy-five goddamn dollars.


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