as if the comment fic wasn't enough

Sep 24, 2010 08:26

Give me a character from a fandom you know I know, and a letter, and I will write something for you.

writing, fandom, meme

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Comments 18

Q dinpik September 24 2010, 12:34:36 UTC
Anthy, and Q.


anthy: quaver ivy_chan September 30 2010, 17:20:25 UTC
Her resolve is sorely tested as they reach the end of the trials, when she can feel the sword being forged to near-perfection, when the steel in Utena's soul is folded nearly a hundred times over, and she still looks at her like that. When even the slightest glance from her seems like a whispering caress, a promise. When her name, tumbled casually from Utena's lips, have the same ring as a psalm from a supplicant ( ... )


Re: anthy: quaver dinpik October 2 2010, 19:36:27 UTC
Lovely! I really liked this, especially the metaphors. And Anthy's tacit rebellion.


yamiloo September 24 2010, 13:47:06 UTC
Can I have sum Ty Lee? I miss her. XD


yamiloo September 24 2010, 13:47:34 UTC
Oops, a letter. ok, um... "I."


ty lee, independence ivy_chan September 30 2010, 23:55:57 UTC
"I don't get it," Mai says, when they finally get time enough to sit down, take a breather, and have tea together. "Why join a team of people in identical make-up when you just finished running away from being a matched set?"

The tea is jasmine with an oolong base, dark and fragrant and sweetened with tiny crystals of golden-brown sugar. She takes a sip and tries to think of the response. It's difficult only because she doesn't know how to explain it to herself, the words to the concepts beyond her grasp. She's not the one who's good with words.

It's not that the identical costumes and matching make-up weren't initially off-putting, despite their foreign, almost exotic charm. It's that this group, this strange, seamless group, have stumbled upon individuality in perfect unison. That difference between one unified whole and a group of people who just agreed to pull in the same direction.

And she doesn't know if Mai knows this, or even Azula. (she thinks azula does, azula knew all there was to know about ty lee, who was never closed ( ... )


Re: ty lee, independence yamiloo September 30 2010, 23:58:22 UTC

There's not enough Ty Lee and Mai fic out there. I thoroughly enjoyed this. <3

P.S. I see what you did with the elaborate tea description, you foodophile! XD


redbrunja September 24 2010, 20:30:04 UTC
Sylvia from TBJT, 'O'


sylvia, oath ivy_chan October 1 2010, 05:04:02 UTC
These are dangerous times, yes, even in Kaeleer. Even here in the Shadow Realm, they hear of their sisters and brothers, they see their victims in the flood of people fleeing the horror. And she occasionally hears the trickle of rumors, words she can put only to feelings. Queen speak. A language as old as the land. As well it should be, for what happens above the soil will no doubt affect it, and Sylvia can feel pain as well as anyone attuned to it may.

She is young yet, too young to have her Virgin Night and too young to form a court, but she can feel power in her bones. Sylvia will one day rule Halaway, and when she does, she swears it will stand in the shadow of no other power, male or female.


Re: sylvia, oath redbrunja October 3 2010, 06:32:55 UTC
Oooh, this was delicious.

Thank you.


hungrytiger11 September 24 2010, 22:24:27 UTC
Hinata, J


hinata, jasmine ivy_chan October 1 2010, 22:50:36 UTC
Hinata has a small herbal garden, just inside the house grounds and kept as well as she can manage. As far as she knows, she does a modestly decent job at garden upkeep. At least, none of the plants die on her, and she is quite thorough and careful with their care. From an outside observer's point of view, she does a splendid job. Hinata has a delicate touch and genuine interest in the plants' welfare, a 'green thumb'. Her flowers bloom and spread without threatening to choke each other out, her herbs neatly coexist side by side in carefully planned rows ( ... )


Re: hinata, jasmine hungrytiger11 October 1 2010, 23:28:58 UTC
Especially liked the ending paragraph. Thanks!


Brought to you by the letter K aflightoffancy September 25 2010, 04:50:20 UTC
Wouldn't it be cruel of me to name of my weird numbers? Technically you DO know of it. XD

Okay, okay... Um. Albert of Gankutsuo


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