tell me what you eat, and i will tell you what you are

Sep 16, 2010 12:26

I'm idly thinking about food in fiction and how it's used to flesh out characters. (No pun intended.) How authors deliberately pick food choices to reflect a character personality or to give insights to a culture in general. I think this is partially because Hunger Games, (which I have completed and love,) is just full of food observations. It ( Read more... )

writing, food, fandom, meme

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Comments 16

robina1984 September 16 2010, 17:26:11 UTC
Mikey, TMNT. ^_^


ivy_chan September 17 2010, 22:56:01 UTC
I wish I could be more original about my thoughts about Mike's eating habits, but canon isn't shy about showing how much of a shameless junk food junkie he is.

I think he has a sweet tooth as well, so I'd imagine he likes candy and cookies and all those other sweet things. I can't imagine that he's very picky about what he eats, or a very 'refined' eater, so store-bought sugar cookies and Oreos are just as good as homemade cookies. Sadly, I don't think he wouldn't be able to eat fatty/sugary foods a lot, since they must live on a limited diet because of 'poverty' and their need to have a strict athlete's diet. He probably thinks of snacky foods as comfort foods or even self-rewards.


redbrunja September 16 2010, 18:54:49 UTC
I think this is partially because Hunger Games, (which I have completed and love,) is just full of food observations.

It really is. One moment that has a soft spot in my heart is when Peeta is talking about how the majority of the bread he eats is stale, while everything that hits Katniss' plate is fresh as a daisy.

For the meme:

Rachel from Glee

Damon from The Dark Jewels Trilogy

Rachel from Animorphs.


ivy_chan September 18 2010, 02:57:58 UTC
Aww, yeah, Peeta and his family, baking bread they hardly get to eat. I was sorry for him when he mentioned the apple and goat cheese pie that they baked which is too expensive for them to buy for themselves. T_T

Rachel Berry: Grape slushies! Which means she likes that faux grape taste that I don't like, but oh well. I suppose she'd like grape candies as well, and Concord grape juice. I imagine her liking grab-and-go foods, stuff you can eat in your hands, like sandwiches and fruit kabobs and cupcakes. I also picture her liking foods that look nice, colorful fruit salads and such, as well as being kind of anal-retentive about what she eats. Not constantly dieting, but more liking a balance of tastes.

DaemonUgh, this guy. This guy is such a foodie. He can probably even cook, too. I can see Daemon linking food and comfort, and food and safety, especially home-cooked food. In fact, I would think he'd show a considerable preference for home-cooked or homey food, stuff like Manny would make for him, where high cuisine is more ( ... )


redbrunja September 19 2010, 19:01:42 UTC
also picture her liking foods that look nice, colorful fruit salads and such,

Oh, definitely. She'd be big on presentation.

Total word on you thoughts about Damon. I have no doubt that that boy can cook and is ALL about the experience of food versus the necessity of food.

She's probably the type of person who can pig out forever on fast food and never gains a pound.

Without a doubt.


Mwahahaha. aflightoffancy September 17 2010, 23:03:31 UTC
Donatello. :D

Wufei! --No, just kidding, I don't care.

Gil from Girl Genius

(Because I'm curious of what you would say:) Brahm! :D


Donatello! ivy_chan September 18 2010, 03:54:10 UTC
Oh great, this guy. Donatello likes eating keyboards and wires and comic sans font for breakfast. He eats them on his toast, or he would if someone hadn't BROKEN THE TOASTER AGAIN.

Anyway, same as with Mike up there. I'd imagine they have a strict diet both because, well, they aren't the most fiscally well-off people in the world and they need to eat anything they can get, and also because they're athletes whose lives depend on them being in top shape. SO. Loads of protein, lots of veg, low on fats and sugars.

That said, I of course think he likes coffee a lot. It keeps him caffeinated and ready to geek-a-thon, which is always good. I can't really see him as eating for pleasure a lot, though- not that he doesn't enjoy his food or that he doesn't differentiate between good or bad tastes, but more like it doesn't factor in that much. I see him choosing food for convenience rather than taste. Stuff that won't put crumbs all over his science experiments and keyboard, nothing that makes too much of a mess or is hard to carry around. ( ... )


That Fucker Who Should Not Be In The Cast But Has Fans For Some Reason Anyway ivy_chan September 18 2010, 04:00:10 UTC
Yeah, Wufei. OH, HOW I LOATHE HIM. I'm trying to think of what this guy eats, and all I can think is: whatever's close to hand. Logically speaking, he has more of a reason to have preferred foods that, say, Heero, who has never had a childhood or a life that gives him the privilege to choose what he eats. Trowa's more of the same. But Wufei, he had a life and a childhood and presumably a balanced diet at some point.

Since his hometown is so very obviously Chinese, I can see him preferring that sort of food. He probably is fond of rice and sauces and dumplings and winter melon soup and suchlike. He seems like a veggie-lover to me. Not a vegetarian necessarily, but someone who likes a lot of vegetables. Also, no sweet tooth at all. No one who is that much of an ass could possibly appreciate sweets.


Gil ivy_chan September 18 2010, 04:04:02 UTC
Alright, so. Gil is unrepentantly German in my head. (Come on! Wulfenbach? Jagermonsters? VON? He's so German!) So, when I think: 'what would this guy like to eat?', I start thinking things like various wursts and schnitzel and spaetzle and stuff my grandmother makes. Meat and potatoes and more meat. Oh, and sauerkraut. Also, the most awesome cookies in the whole damn world. I can see him liking cookies. I can even imagine the fucked-up spider lady or whatever-her-name is MAKING cookies and just staring evilly at everyone as they ate them.


takamo September 25 2010, 17:47:50 UTC
Okay, so while I'm not wholly certain on all your fandoms.. I'm going to go with the tried and true.

If my memory serves me correctly, I think you said you were a KP fan. So, I'll throw Drakken out into the mix.

But, if not, then we'll go with the Avatar series..and what Toph might like to eat.


Drakken (late because of LIIIFE) ivy_chan October 1 2010, 03:03:40 UTC
You know what? I see him as having very normal tastes. XD What with his appreciation for lemon squares. Homecooked stuff that you'd see in a Norman Rockwell painting. Oh, and geek drink picks. Diet Coke, Jolt, Mountain Dew, anything heavily caffeinated.


Toph ivy_chan October 1 2010, 03:06:14 UTC
When I played her in Luceti, I had her really love soda. It made sense to me because it's really sweet, and also the carbonated sensation would be new to her. That aside, her tastes are more Chinese to me because of the area she's from and her general culture-feel: rice as a staple of course, she likes vegetables, and she prefers food that is easy to eat with chopsticks. Stuff she doesn't have to go feeling around for. I can see her liking Fire Nation snacks and fried pastries as well.

Oh, and tea. Toph shares and iroh-like love of tea.


senri September 26 2010, 20:06:05 UTC
Hi there ♥ I found you through you watching bedlam_mix and think this meme is a pretty adorable idea. Being a bit of a foodie myself.

Can I have, mm... Cassie, from Animorphs? Or Zuko?


ivy_chan October 1 2010, 05:15:52 UTC
...would now be an inappropriate time to fangirl all over your Blade of the Immortal fic and my OTP Anotsu/Rin and the Invader Zim stuff that I also love? Because fangirl. FANGIIRL.

CassieAuuugh, it has been ages since Animorphs. I recall her being vegetarian. I think she's more of an ethical vegetarian who probably would eat meat if our meat industry wasn't so damn unkind to animals, which means she also knows about the dairy issue and how poorly chickens are treated in egg factories. So, vegetarian food is big, but not necessarily pure vegan, since she might be able to come across farm-raised local eggs & dairy ( ... )


Zuko ivy_chan October 1 2010, 05:25:12 UTC
Oh man, this kid. He's a fun one. You have to think about his favorite food a bit because he spends his time man-angsting in a nightie and it takes away from the realization that he even eats ( ... )


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